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Sheepshead everywhere-Spanish too-Where's the kings? Bonita Beach report
[cool]Monday, 3/12, I fished with Jon and Rebecca Marty and Rebecca’s parents, Larry and Diane, in 45-48 feet northwest of New Pass. We caught plenty of good eating fish for the group, using live shrimp to lure keeper sheepshead, Spanish mackerel, mangrove snapper, triggerfish, grunts and porgies.

Tuesday, I fished some different spots with Louis Wolfe and friends, in about 30 feet, off Wiggins Pass. There were loads of small bait fish and blue runners everywhere, and I was hoping they might be predicting the arrival of the king mackerel, but no such luck yet. We did catch a dozen Spanish mackerel to 22 inches, sheepshead and grunts, and we released small gags.

I fished a windy Wednesday morning with Ralph and Kristen Daby, in Estero Bay, around Big Carlos Pass. We kept five pretty nice sheepshead to 15 inches and a mangrove snapper, and released lots of smaller ones. We also caught keeper Spanish mackerel in the pass, all on live shrimp.

Seas started building on Thursday, in advance of a cold front approaching. Brothers Bob and Eric Erickson and their dad, Kent, had planned to fish a full-day, but we took the first wave over the bow by noon, and decided we’d head in about 12:30. We did well with keeper sheepshead—a dozen of those to 20 inches, along with Spanish mackerel to 245 inches. We released smaller sheepshead and triggerfish, in 38 feet, off of Sanibel.

It was a good day for bay fishing Friday. The rains predicted never arrived here—they seemed to hit mostly south of us. In fact, the weather front brought higher than normal tides in the bay, which worked in our behalf. I loaded up on live shrimp, and headed out for a morning of fishing with Joe Goodall and his six year old son, Alex, Dave Bixby and Charlie Cinader. We fished up toward New Pass, and caught a bunch of nice sheepshead, keeping eleven of those to 15 inches. We also got a keeper redfish at 18 ½ inches, and released a 22 inch snook, along with the rest of the sheepshead.

The weather front doesn’t look like it will pay off so well for my anglers planning to fish offshore Saturday. With high winds and seas, and small craft advisories, we will likely have to cancel that trip.

The photo shown is of angler Kathy Yatteau, with a 17 inch sheepshead, caught on live shrimp, on a recent offshore trip.
Way to go Dave, I'll be watching tv or something this weekend. Got a total blow out with this front coming in. I'd swear it's the curse of the SKA. Every year the weekends of the King tournies the winds have to blow 20kt+. I did it once and let me tell you it was no fun, just cold, wet, and rough.

If you noticed on Monday the report said the weekend was going to be 5kt then Tuesday it went to 5-10 wednesday said 15 and by yesterday afternoon they already had the small craft advisory issued.
Yep, it never fails, Joe...and, before I fished professionally, when I only had weekends to fish, it used to blow every weekend!

Stay safe with the TV this weekend! dave
I hear ya on the chop on the weekends. It seems like half the trips I go out on turns into a blow.

LOL, I wish I could fish for a living. I was talking to Joe about that once before. Thankfully, i'm not stuck to being just a weekend warrior though. I get time off to give'em hell in the local tournaments. I was talking to Capt Joe about fishing with him in the US Open in South Port, NC. Payout is 25g's not counting the side pots. 300+ boats, but most of them are just "hot dogs" in fancy boats. Nothing to really worry about. There's about 45 boats you've got to contend with, mostly locals that know the water as good as they know thier mommas kitchen. [Wink]

I was planning on hitting the water this weekend, but a NE wind kicked in with that cold front and pretty much ruined it. We're feeling it up and down the eastern seaboard. Maybe it'll lay down by next weekend and i'll have a fishing report to share. [Smile]

Mean while, you guys that can fish all weekend make sure and catch one for me. You can sneak out from behind the helm long enough to reel in a fish. [cool] Just hold him up and say "this one's for Bryan." LOL
The seas offshore are 5-8 foot today, but I did end up getting out in the bay, so I named one of the sheepshead "Bryan's sheepie" [Wink] Hope you get out next weekend.

I never get to fish tournaments--always busy with clients...but, if you decide to go, I'll be rootin' for you--Later, Dave
Muchos' Gracias' Capt Dave! [cool] Thanks for putting a little soldier on ice for me. [Wink] Hopefully i'll be able to get out this weekend like you said. We shall see. [Smile]
Too rough for me out there today...if you ended up going, let us know how you made out--Dave

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