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any thing goin on in SC
has anyone been fishing in SC and had any luck i havent been out yet this year so let me kno whats goin on
Welcome back partner!

The fishing has been up and down.

The rivers have been high and the fishing has been slow. That applies for the Pee dee and lynches rivers. As for the Waccamaw, i'm not sure how it's been there. The water temp in the little pee dee was 63.5 this past Saturday.

The ocean fishing has been pretty good. The black drum and trout have been in the creeks. Including red drum and flounder. Near shore the sheepheads and seabass are bitting. The water temp 4 miles out last week was also around 63 degrees.

With the weather going up and down, it'll be a while before we see any mackerel inshore, or anything else for that matter. LOL It should balance out come the end of April and we can start expecting more favorable fishing condtions. [cool]
we got a place in holden beach NC n ills tart doin alot of fishin up that way n hope to catch my first king this yea lol i hope on it maybe i will v been hopin for the past 4 years though so iunno
Well, getting a king from the pier takes alot of patients, and ALOT OF LUCK! You're waiting for the fish to come to you, rather than in a boat we can find them. I spent many of my younger years chasing the Kings on the pier. I've met many anglers that wouldn't have it any other way. Infact, there are times that i'd rather fish a pier than anywhere else. It's alot less stressful, and there is more time for good conversation. [cool]

But no worries, one day your fish will come. Wait until the water temp hits about 68 degrees to start float fishing. The kings will be in the inshore waters then. Maybe i'll even join you for a days fishing, show you a few tricks of the trade. The last few years i've fished the piers, i've noticed alot of the old school pier fishermen have either moved on, died, or just don't go anymore. Now, there's a bunch of newbies out there that just don't have the experiance to be successful. It really takes a team effort landing big game on a pier.

Keep your eyes on the SC board. When the weather is right, i'll plan a trip to the Myrtle Beach State Park Pier and we'll all sit down and i'll explain some of the tactics and tricks I used back in the day. We might even catch a few fish. [cool]
MBSP is a really good place to fish IMO may not catch many fish but theres alot of friendly people oput there iv probaly seen u a few time out there iv fished out there since i was old enought to reel a reel up lol catchin pinfish for my dad to fish for kings with them those where good days
i love mbsp i hope to get a flounder or 2 and sheepshead from there this year bottom line for me is even if im not successful fishing i just love being there
You're right Ron, it's a great place to fish. We'll make a day of it. Do you guys have the equipment to float fish for Mackerel? What ever you guys are missing, I have plenty of extra gear. Just let me know between now and then, and I'll make sure we are all set up for float fishing and bottom fishing. I look foward to doing some fishing with you guys. [cool]
the more we talk the more i realize that i really am not a sophisticated fisherman never fished for anything like king mack i just do bottom fishing really am hooked on the sheepshead thing don't ask me why maybe we can get together on mbsp and fish and talk i'm probably better at talking than fishing
No worries Ron, i'm really not that "sophisticated" of a fisherman either. I like to keep things simple. Most fish are basic to target and easy to catch. Kings are the easiest, believe it or not. Once you're set up and have a bait in the water, you prop up your feet and sip on a glass of sweet tea. [Smile] Plenty of time to chit chat when you king fish, the live bait does all the work.

It'll be a run trip. I'll make sure you're all set up. All you have to do is catch fish my friend. [cool]
I started king fishing on the surfside pier about 25 years ago. My wife and I spent our honeymoon out there, nine days from daylight to dark.[Wink]Not a minute after dark though. We took our vacation for years fishing on the pier for kings, sometimes for nine days without a run and then sometimes we have caught two in one day. Pier fishing is a lot of fun and you get to make a lot of friends and learn a lot about fishing (if you don't already know it all) like some i've seen. We don't do any pier fishing now but I know it would still be fun.
Oh man, I bet I know EVERYONE you've fished with. The late Bill Surface, Anne Greenway, Bradey & his wife, Bob Gentry, The kiesers (dad and son), Old Mr. kieser, K2 Gibson, Zuki, David and Freddy Remishad (can't spell or pronounce thier last name), Gary Stix, And all the other guys. I remember when the Surfside pier got tore up and alot of those guys started fishing the MBSP pier. I'd bet a buffalo nickle i've fished with you more than once, and we don't even realize it.

You might know my Mom and Pops, Don and Joy Hodgson. They float fished for many, many years. On Surfside and Myrtle Beach state park. What a small world this is. [Smile] Unfortunately, quite a bit of the guys I fished with and mentored me aren't around anymore, I miss those guys. Lester and Grace are the resident sheepshead fisherpeople on MBSP pier. A guy named "Jr." taught me how to use a cast net. Those were the days.

I'm inclined to extend the invitation for you to join us in this up and comming fishing get together. Your experiance and company is more than welcome. [cool]

It'll be a nice day of fishing. Along with setting up a float rig for everyone, I was going to try and put us on a couple sheepshead and flounder. I've got enough equipment to cover anyone that wants to come. Do you still have your gear?

Thanks for your input Dusky! I look foward to your response.

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