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New angler aboard
Hey everyone!

Just registered and wanted to introduce myself before i got to cluttering up the boards with my nonsense,haha no just kidding about the clutter part but i do hope to stick around and learn a thing or two!

Where to start......hmmmm, well my names Ryan, im from Bakersfield,Ca and am new to the fishing scene. And no......thats not an invitation to come stalk me and show me how to "rig" my "worm". ; )

Ive been fishing probably about three times out of my entire life, yes i was a deprived child haha.I always had abit of luck when i did go, the most recent being last weekend, we went up to lake isabella and by kernville, got a trout, a ton of crappie, some small mouth bass and a few catfish. Great day I must say .

And ever since then i was determined to find a online community to dive into this great past-time you call fishing.Along with a few trips to wal-mart to look at my future gear, as untill now ive been useing whatever friens brought along. Im the type to measure twice cut once , and picking out the right gear is no different, right?

So here i am, gonna dig around the boards and see if i cant find the anwser to most of my question in previous threads.

Maybe someone can point me in the direction of a few good threads to get me on my way? As i said im new to the fishing scene, dont know much about rods,reels,lures,baits and whatnot. And it always good to have a soild foundation right?

Thanks everyone, i appreciate all your time and help.

All the best
Hey Ryan, and welcome to the BFT message boards. Your hunt for an online fishing community is over, you'll need not look any further. We've got tons of experiance here, and we are proud to have you part of the team. [Smile]

Also, there's no sense in digging up old posts unless you just get bored. Feel free to ask any questions you'd like and we can answer them more specifically to you. Besides, that's what makes it fun!

Make sure and check out your Cali state board a little further down. Tuben2 is the moderator for Cali and him along with the other members on the cali board are a great source for local info. [cool]
Welcome aboard Mannix!!!
Hope to see some fishing reports in the future!![cool]
Welcome Mannix to the site. We could help you on your first rod selection, but you need to tell us what fish you are after. Sooo many fish, soooo many rods to choose.
Welcome aboard Mannix. I'm glad to see another Cali member here on the boards.

Please feel free to share reports on the Cali board too. We are all here to help in anyway that we can.

We have a bunch of stuff on the tips and tricks board but you may get the better info by keeping it fresh.

When you get a chance, send me a Private message with your address. I have a package that I send to all new Cali members.

Please don't post your information here on the public forum. If you click on the link on the top center of your screen, there is a Private Message button. It is kind of like an email but only visible between sender and receiver.

Hey everyone!

Thanks for all the warm welcomes.
I appreciate it!

Hopefully ill be around here for a good long time with plenty of fishing reports and maybe even be able to help someone else out one day.

Although i was hopeing for abit more activity on the boards im still more then happy to find such a helpfull and respectable online community.

I can tell you from experience.....most other boards would have done either flamed me out or cringed at the thought of me asking something someone already else has.

Either way thanks again everyone!

As far as my first rod setup, i made a new thread , wich can be found here [url ""][/url]

All the best
We are all here to help each other. Some boards get their fame and glory by putting others down.

We get ours by helping as many new and upcoming anglers as we can. Even the seasoned angler can benefit from much of the information that is shared here.[cool]
Welcome aboard mannix, like tarpon said check the cali boards there is alot of knowlegde their and tube can point you in the right direction for sure. Im sure youll enjoy it here, there really isnt anything else like it on the web [Wink] Matt
Funny I made that post before work and forgot to hit reply so I guess tube's already made his appearance. You can learn alot from him, he's full of info

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