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Who did it?
[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][mad]This is a view of the Santa Ana River as it runs through Yorba Linda. Was wondering who did their laundry in my river?[/size][/green][/font]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=25331;][/center]
[black][size 3]It's the California environmental groups, [/size][/black]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]They are washing the fish!!![/size]
[size 3][/size]
Okay Saber, now I gotta wipe my screen off again. Coffee through the nose....Ouch![laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]
[black][size 3]It's the California environmental groups, [/size][/black]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]They are washing the fish!!![/size]
[size 3][/size] [/reply]
That is good - I hate Icky Fish.
Is that before or after it hits SARL? I would hate to think what happens if that hits the SARL. There would be alot of floaters![pirate]
[Sad][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hi there TubeN2 - unfortunately that area where I took the picture is about 5 miles up stream from SARL. So for those catching fish there who might be concerned that their fish might have contacted rabies rest assured it is only caused by the Tide. Get it Tide. Well maybe you don't want my little play on words.[Tongue][/size][/green][/font]
now you went and Confused me... dang nab it.....[cool]

now.. is it tidal or is it because of Tide?????? If is because of Tide... as Turko aint right......

MacFly [cool]
Well I guess it is nothing to fret over. Don't worry and Cheer up. Cheer....... ha ha.

That is some nasty looking foam though. I bet it is from all the pesticides that are fed into the farm lands up river of that area.[crazy]
so its not tide or cheer.. but foam from other crap in the water... I still say it aint right...

You would be surprised what runs through that water.

The LA river is probably the worst. Just picture what goes in there.

Pesticides from home overspraying. Herbicides from the same. Byproducts from animals waste and urinary systems, human waste products and anything else that is thrown out the car windows, washed into the storm drains, washed down the LA river and thrown out to the Ocean![pirate]

Now you tell me why I don't fish much from south of Malibu to North of Huntington Beach. Yuuuuuuuuuk.

I do like the Catalina Islands and the Channel Islands. The water is clean out there.[cool]
[shocked][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Whoa there macfly55 - if it was a tidal wave they we really would be in trouble. That is something that an earthquake would create. Did you hear something that you should be sharing with your fellow Californians?[Wink][/size][/green][/font]
LOL> .. but I will tell you I am in the midwest...LOL... (joking).. it just irks me to see this type of thing/....

Just think about it. It is happening in all the little community and public park lakes too.[crazy]
I know it happens all over.. and like most I have turned the blind eye so to speak at times.. but.. have to say.. chatting with ya'll and others on this and other boards definitely has been a learning experience.. and not all on fly fishing... :-)...

Somehow.. this abuse has to stop... it just ain't right..

MacFly [cool]
The river I have been talking about runs straight through the city, so you figure when it rains all the road grime and junk gets washed away in it. Makes it a less than desireable water source, that is why I am amazed what species are in there and probably why Catfish and Carp get such a bad rap.
both those fish tend to be called garbage fish.. or bottom dwellers etc.. but they do seem to live and thrive in the most unusual areas.. so when you said you got a carp.. and are showing goldfish or koi.. I am not surprised..

but at the same time you did mention one fish who was "peeling"... so obviously not the best of fish for human consumption..

here in Ca they always have ads on tv about what you throw on the ground usually ends up in the bay... which is true since we have storm drains and not sewers... has always amazed me.. I am betting they would save money in the long run if they forced all of that run off thru a sewage treatment plant.. or area.. millions are spent cleaning up the beaches and bays.. why cant that same money be used to build treatment facilities and reconfiguring the drainage system to route the garbage thru the treatment facility.. here in San Diego.. millions have been spennt and is scheduled to be spent on the repair and replacement of very old sewer pipe and drain pipes.. why cant they reconfigure it all into one while they have it all dug up anyway.. it dont make sense.. and it aint right...

oh... on the same subject.. lol.. we are still having a problem with the lack of sewage treatment/antiquated sewage facility down in the Tijuana river valley area.. is not unusual for our southern most beaches to be closed due to high contamination levels from raw sewage spill from this area.. it aint right.. [mad]

MacFly [cool]
[Sad][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Bad news all around there TubeN2. The worst polluted beaches in California are located in the LA area. Long Beach was # 1 and yes Avalon in Catalina was #4. For those too young to remember like FGD the Beach Boys recorded a famous song like "26 Miles Across The Sea" even though it is only 22 miles from the main land.[/size][/green][/font]
What Irony. I was just at Catalina on Monday.(Test material of course)

The water was murky due to the wind and objectionable current.

The fish were still biting even on flies. Plastics were the favorite even over certain pieces of cutbait. My son and I caught a total of 351 fish for the day but didn't keep any as it was a short trip for us.

There is alot cleaner water on the backside of the island. Less contamination and lots more fun.[cool]
I was wondering when it would show. I'd like to thanke Tn2 for the insight on how to do laundry and how long it takes to get the vacation in and get out before the foam shows up. Its been 3 months 21 days 19 hours 22 minutes 3 seconds and counting since he told me run. and so far so good I'm still free
[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]This is all to confusing for me.[/size][/green][/font][Tongue][/center]

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