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palomar knot video test
testing to see if it up loads to show how to tie the knot hope it works and helps
worked for me. tell me if it worked for you.
I downloaded it and played it in Windows media player. Worked fine for me.
i like it. how about some more!
That worked good for me, now if I can upload a video we'll be set. One question, did you save that file from another site and then uploaded it here in the same format that you saved it in (.wmv)? I've been having some troubles.
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks for sharing that. It was good to see you again at the "Mojo Show" last night.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]For the benefit of those who would like to save that video on their own computers:[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]1. Right click on the attachment at the bottom of the post. This will bring up a menu.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]2. Left click on "Save Target As". Another menu will come up.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]3. Choose Desktop or whatever file into which you want to save the video.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]4. Click on "Close" when it has finished downloading.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have a separate file folder just for knots and rigs. That will be a valued addition.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Thanks again, Norm.[/#0000ff]
Thanks for posting the video Norm. Very instructive.
Great important part missed was the lubricating of the line and knot before the final tightening takes place...
I down loaded the video from need to be a member to get in but they have a free 30 trial. lots of good stuff in there 4 bass fishing

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