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Had to ask about the fish dance...
I saw this and had to ask the more experienced anglers present is that if I do what is described on this link will it increase my chances of catching a fish... [sly]

[url ""]Fish dance....[/url]


MacFly [cool]
well ... I don't wear a fish mask but when I'm out trolling Lake Michigan I've been known to do some variation between an Irish jig, the schottishe, and the lindy hop...

... Sometimes it works!!... other times.. dark clouds form and it rains like hell!! [Tongue][laugh]
[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]This I have got to see![/size][/green][/font][/center]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=26435;]
[laugh] yea I bet its a sight to see when I break out..

I'll just say that it ends the monotony when the lake is flat and the hum of the engine starts driving you mad.[Wink][Tongue]
And don't forget the Tribal Yell!
what yelll .. uhhhmmmmmmmm here fisheee fishee.. lol...

...I been skunked so long Im starting to think that I may have to look into alternative ways of .. uhhmmmmmmm "attracting the fish"... [laugh]
....sooooooooo this is like.. Riverdance to the music of the Celtic Woman.. and ends with a bunny hop.. heck I am just not that coordinated... now if it was simply "stepping and fethcing like my head was on fire and my a** was catching" I could probably handle that... hehehehe

trivia.. what song and what group did the stepping and fetching refernce come from.......???

And don't forget the Tribal Yell! [/reply]
Oh boy .. you just added to the show.. [laugh]
[#0000ff][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][size 1]Post:[/size][/font] [/#0000ff] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][#0000ff][size 1]....sooooooooo this is like.. Riverdance to the music of the Celtic Woman.. and ends with a bunny hop.. heck I am just not that coordinated... now if it was simply "stepping and fethcing like my head was on fire and my a** was catching" I could probably handle that... hehehehe

trivia.. what song and what group did the stepping and fetching refernce come from.......???



It sounds COUNTRY and I don't DO COUNTRY! LOL
Now if it has something to do with "Mental Health" or "Fairies Wearing Boots", amoung others, then I got it![cool]
[#280050]..hmmmmmmmmm well it is country .. I mean this group did have a devil go down to Georgia.. or was that devil lives in Georgia.. or is it Georgia is the devil....LOL... [/#280050]
ya just gave it away "Charlie" ... [Wink]
..ahhhhhhhh yes it is CDB but what is the name of the song...??

Fg...I liked this song when I was younger and did not even know that I was listening to "country" till I saw a picture of the band much later....[laugh]
can I get a rally monkey on that? [laugh]
or better yet, a trunk monkey? [sly]
would that be deleverance?

twang twang twang thwang twang twang twang......[shocked]

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