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Willard on fire ... 6-22-07 ... morning and evening
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Met up with Brian Wilding (a coworker) and his daughter Danny at 5:15 Friday morning for some wiper/walleye fishing at Willard. Launched at about 5:45 along with about three other boats. Fishing was fast for about an hour and a half then turned cold. Danny and Dad boated about five fish before we left at about 11:00. While at the cleaning station, FishNCoach came in. He had had a better day than us picking up quite a few wipers out in front of the feed lot.

Here is Danny and Daddy with a nice wiper and a nice walleye headed for some GoldenDipit and the fry pan:

[inline "Danny and Dad wiper.jpg"][/#002850][/size][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850][inline "Danny and Dad walleye.jpg"]

After the morning excursion, I went home, took a nap, and then headed back out in the evening with three young relatives who have been asking to get out to Willard all summer. We got out there about 7:00 and started trolling. We caught a few wipers before 8:30 then the fish gods started to Smile on us ... boils, boils, boils! And man did we have fun! The big wipers came out to play and play they did. We had been trolling four lines with planner boards but that got to be way too much for me to rig, setup/down, unhook fish, etc. for the young (12-14 years old) inexperienced boys and still try to navigate the boat as well. So, we dropped back to two poles and still had one heck of a good time. All three boys were complaining of the stress in their wrists and shoulders after landing all those nice big boys. Great fun!

The water temps are warming up fast ... 77 degrees.

After dark we headed in to give lessons in filleting fish. They took home two nice baggies of wiper steaks for the fry pan. Knowing them guys, they have probably slicked them all up for breakfest.

Here is Devin with a nice stringer of wipers. It was his first wiper catch:

[inline Devin-stringer.jpg]

Here is Coco with one of the biggest of the night:

[inline Coco-bigun.jpg]

We had several doubles:

[inline Doubles.jpg]

And, the stringer we took home fileted:

[inline Stringer-of-6.jpg]

While at the cleaning station we ran into 007bf and his gang. They too took a few lessons on filleting fish and before you know it, the little lady had us all being trained in the art of fileting.

Now, just a little about the “boils” out at Willard. A few nights ago I was out there and seen what I thought were wiper boils. I was pretty convinced that they were, in fact, wiper boils. Then I read a post saying that they were just carp boils. Yesterday morning when I was out there, I became sold on the fact that they were just carp. The carp were running fast for about 20 feet on the surface looking like wiper boils. But then last night, when we went back out, several times we were right in the middle of many true actual “wiper boils”. I have NEVER seen boils this early in the year but boy ... they are definitely churning it up out there in the late evening. I was told that the reason they are boiling so early is because the shad got an early start this year with the warmer water sooner. But whatever the reason ... baby, they are a boiling.

So, grab a white curly tailed grub or a quarter ounce blue/chrome Kastmaster with a swivel and go have yourself a ball! For the last week, the heaviest action has been out on the south half of the lake, north west of the island.

One more thing about boils ... please don’t be like one of the jerks last night that would drive 30 mph into the middle of a nice boil, stop, and then ask “where did they all go?” Use your best stealth tactics to get into a boiling area so that you, as well as those who are already there, can enjoy the catching.[/#002850][/size][/font]
Great report and pics!!!

I have to get out there.... [cool]
[black][size 3]Hey Coot,[/size][/black]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]Great report on some successful fishing. Glad that the wipers came so fast for you. It appears that the low water has really helped with the severe boat traffic. Those are some large wipers.[/size]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]Looks like the kids had a great time, and some lessons in filleting and eating fish.[/size]
Thanks for the report Ralph.

I was amazed at the amount of Carp on the surface last week when I was out there. We had Carp around our boat about half way down the west dike to the south west corner surfacing all evening. They would get so close to the boat you could see the size of the Carp.

Time to get the boat up to Willard.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]"Coot" I want to know how your little tin bin could handle all those fish??? Way to boat 'em::::[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]With that kind of luck, (Fish Gods smiling on you), I think you'd bess start thinking about a New Bigger Boat. [Smile][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3] Nice one. [/size][/font]
Nice work sir Ralph. Glad you could get the young ones into some great fish. I'll bet they had a blast.

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