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What species?
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]I took this picture last year of a land locked pond near the Wilson Bridge in Jackson Hole, Wy. The depth of the pond was about 18" at the most. There wasn't any evidence of any larger fish in the area. To me they looked like cutts or bows. My questions are how did they get in there and for you Ichthyologist what is your guess as to their species?[/size][/green][/font]

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[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=26225;][/center]
If you want to know what they are and how they got there.......Here is the person to ask

[url ""][/url]

This guys knows those waters very well
appears to be a river shiner... thats my first thought.

eggs have a funny way of getting from water to water .. water birds could've been the host.. again, just my first thoughts
this is off topic a second but went to the site and noticed the last name especially when looking at some of his drawings.. is he a Currier as in Currier and Ives ?? anyway.. did not see a refernce to that on the link and was curious if anyone knew....

to me the fish look like neon tetras... but there is no way those fish made it to that area and into that pond.. lol..

is it possible this pond was at one time a part of a larger body of water and once the water receded this pond was left.. leaving these little fellas behind in the wake??

There are alot of spring creeks around the wilson bridge area. It could have been a larger body of water during the spring runoff.
[Smile]Fly guy, that avitar of yours looks like a photo from one of the Matanuska valley lakes of Alaska with the Wrangel's in the background.
Yeah its a pic of me casting on Hidden lake in JH.
[Smile]Hidden lake yeah, but JH....hmmm?[unsure] dont know what that means.

DryRod I apologize for hijacking your thread. I dont know what those fish are either. They resemble Toe-nail clippings though.
JH = Jackson Hole

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