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Willard Boils ... 6-30-07 ... BINGO!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Decided to take “Birthday Boy Bait_Caster” out to Willard to treat him on his special day (any excuse to fish Willard right?). Wow, did we ever hit it lucky!!

We launched at about 7:45 PM at the south marina. I love it when the water is this low ... very few water skiers (if any).

The water temp was about 78 all night.

The night before, I had gone out with a neighbor and trolled most of the time around the island. It’s a good thing he caught a walleye or we would have gotten skunked. [/#002850][/size][/font]
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So, Saturday night, me and Bait_Caster decided to go further out away from the island. Man, that was one good decision. We first started trolling size 5 silver Rattlin Rapalas and Prism Shads. We were having very good success (even some doubles) but then seen some boils start so we decided to pull in our trolling lines and cast some top water lures. The boils were on and we did have some fun. The boils started around 8:30 and lasted until about an hour after sundown. At first, we were driving from one boil to another. Those were fast and furious short burst boils. Then, as it got later, the lake turned into one big slow boil ... not as short and explosive as the earlier boils. We just pretty much sat in one place casting into the action all around us.

If you look closely in this picture, you can see one boil way back above BC's right arm and a bigger boil above his left sholder.

[inline Terry-boil-over-left-sholde.jpg]

This was, by far, my best ever night wiper fishing on Willard. We each caught upwards of 20 fish each! We were so busy that we were literally dripping with sweat. We were catching fish so fast that we even stopped using the net and went straight for the lip grippers. We were using top water lures. I was catching my wipers on a [url ""]Lucky Craft Sammy[/url] “walking the dog” and BC was dog walking a black shinner feather dressed [url ""]Heddon Super Spook Jr.[/url] Both lures kept us plenty busy catching fish.

One big ole wiper barfed in the water right next to the boat. He chucked up about 80-100 tiny shad. I didn't realize that the shad were so small ... only about an inch long. Kind of surprised me that the wipers were taking our big ole top-water lures after seeing what they were eating.

Every fish we boated was quickly put back in the lake for someone else to catch another day.

I hope to be back out there several times this week. Then, the week after, me, Rileyfish, and Bait_Caster head to the Gorge for some lessons in the art of catching big lakers. Looking forward to that.

Happy birthday BC.[/#002850][/size][/font]
Old Coot
Nights like that are what you wish for every trip out. Im sure you will talk about that night for a long time. Glad you got into some fish.
Figures I stay home this Saturday and the boils start. I may have to make it an evening of fireworks at the Bay Wednesday night.
Nice going. Were they big boils ?
[Smile][font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Wow: What a night to remember, Just thinking about how busy we were un-hooking wipers off the line is making me sweat again. Gotta love it !![/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Thanks Old_Coot for a rip-snort'n evening at Willard![/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]One heck of a B-Day outing!! [/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]?? Do I have to wait a whole yr to get this fast & fun action ??[/size][/font] [sly][Smile][Wink]
Happy B-day BC!

BL is fishing so so.....come up and fish with me????
Sounds like a fantastic trip! Happy B-day as well.
Wow nice job!! We wnt to Mantua Sat. Very disappointing compared to your fun. Even though our rent a yacht can't be out after dark. Hopefully I'll be able to hitch a ride or get the tube out there. Any Ideas about tube regs after dark? I don't need to get pulled over anymore.
Nice report OC and BC, sounds like I better get out there this week, good luck on your Gorge trip.
I am thinkin that the 10th, 11th and 12th are going to be good fishin. What do you think?
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Boy, I hope so.[/#002850][/font][/size]

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