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Fun Evening at Willard ... 7-5-07
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Decided to see if the boils were as plentiful tonight as they were a few nights ago. Nope ... but still enough to enjoy a great night of fishing Willard bay. A friend, Earl Kern, and I launched at the south marina at about 7:30 PM and headed out to an area north and west of the island. The water temps have risen up to 84 - 86! Sure enough, a boil out in the distance. So we headed for it. But the boil was dissipated well before our arrival. Then we seen another boil. Tried to catch it ... gone again. Man, all night it was like chasing the end of a rainbow and never being able to get it. But like other nights, at about sundown, you can just sit about anywhere and cast to rises around you. Here is Earl with his first fish of the night on. He loved that drag screaming fun. Not quite like trout is it Earl? LOL. [/#002850][/size][/font]
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He got pretty good at “walking the dog” last night. He caught 6 and I caught 2. We went home with 4 for the fry pan.

[inline Four-for-the-fry-pan-400.jpg]

Funny thing at the cleaning station ... I was wearing rubber gloves and one of the guys at the cleaning station gave me the nick name “Cinderella” with the white gloves.. The guy really had me laughing.[/#002850][/size][/font]
Dang Ralph, wish i had met you before. I would have said hello at the cleaning station. I was the guy with the outspoken 4 year old.[blush] We landed almost 30 fish between myself, my son, and cajun1977. I lost an eye at the boat during the 1/2 hour of trolling before the boils started. Heck of a night if you could get on them before they dissappeared.[mad] I was going to ask if there were any bfter's at the table, next time i will.[cool]
Nice job, we were on our way out there last night after work. Got to my storage to pick up the boat and i couldnt find my fishfinder, i have lost it, [Sad] so we didnt go out last night cause last time i was there without it i hit bottom so i wasnt willing to try it again. What were the levels like on the Bay? Good thing about it all is i've been wanting a new fishfinder, looks like i get one now. [cool] If my pic is still too large, i apologize, i have been playing with it this morning trying to get it littlier, thats another reason why i'm replying so i can see if i shrunk it yet. Happy Fishing Weekend to everyone! Will be up at rockport tomorrow bright and early with my mom and pops, got them both in the boat for the first time this year and now they want to come all the time, i'm loving it, especially my mother she is so dramatic when she gets one on. I'll have to share my video of her catching her first one trolling, hilarious but heck i cant even get the size of my pic right let alone share a video. [Sad] i apologize ahead of time if my pic is still too large
Nice fish there Coot!! Nothing like a sunset like that with a bunch of fish for the fry!! GOTTA love the Willard bay sunsets!
Congrats on the successfull trip. I have been out there 5 times with Brody the last couple of weeks, and seen 1 boil total. I must be bad luck!

We went to Willard in the morning and caught 2 cats and 3 largemouth bass. it was pretty slow.
I'm taking my son out tonight he has only been in one boil and that was last fall. I really don't care to eat them but have some friends that do so maybe we can catch a couple we will be leaving about 6 and hope to be on the water by 7. Maybe see some of you out there on the water. [cool]
nice pics
Hit or miss dude.. I knew shortly after we launched that it was going to happen.
BTW: I got my boat fixed yesterday!!!!!!![Smile][Smile][Smile][Smile][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]
Nice! Plugs?
If the boil looks to be over, just throw a maniac minnow on an 1/8 or 1/4 oz orange jig head. Most of the time the fish are still there.
I see way too many people fire up their boat motor to chase another boil when the fish are still there to catch! Not to mention the guys that run right in the middle of the fish and then start casting only to find that they just shut the boil down by running in too close to the action!
Quite a few things at once.[Wink]
[Wink][font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Nice report, I thought I should have gone and meet you there, The night was to hot and I had work at 2:30 am so could not justify the fishing, Any fish you do not want, I'll fry them up![/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Going to head out to willard with the boat on thursday 12 july, any BFT want to go PM me..Dang Uncle you make me %$# [pirate]you seam to find the fish, thats why your the master and Im the padawan (beginner), may the force be with us thursday and the fish gods (or godesesexsss) smiling from above.[sly][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Maniac is right ... what we didn't catch on top water, we caught on just exactly what he suggested.[/#002850][/font][/size]
Another nice report Ralph, sounds like your turning info a Thursday fisherman, LOL. If the water temps keep rising, the boils your seeing will be wiper boiling(cooking in their own water so to speak). I don't think I have ever seen the water at Willard get any warmer than it is now.

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