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What is the coolest?
Hey guys,
What is the coolest thing that you guys have seen while fishing.
When I was about 13 I was fishing a small lake in Mid New York State, where I was camping with Grandpa. We were fishing off the dock. We were catching bluehgill's and catfish all afternoon.There was one of those huge Dragon flys flying around all day smacking the water all day. the dragon fly was a little bigger then a hummingbird. It smacked the water and started to fly away when a 3ft Tiger musky snatched it out of mid air.[shocked] Grandpa and I were the only ones that saw it.
Well, you asked.

The coolest thing I've ever seen while fishing was an entire houseboat of naked women on Lake Powell when I was about 16. 15-20 of them parading around like that was just normal for them. The houseboats passed about 50 feet apart. We were going one way and they were going the other. I tried to talk dad into letting me chase them down, but you know the answer to that question.
I was float-tubin in some relativley shallow beaver ponds near Moon Lake. I had worked my way back in to about the third or fourth pond when a big ole moose decided to join me in the little pond. I was on one side of the pond and she was on the other. Maybe 30 yards away. I knew that I couldn't move as fast as she could in the water, so I was a little concerned. I just sat thier quietly and watched her for several minutes, and then made my way out of there. I wasn't about to tangle over who was there first. Wouldn't you know it. I didn't have my camera with me.
I was fishing Bear Lake back in the mid 80's near Garden City when a bull and cow moose walked down to the edge of the lake and just started swimming across. They swam about three or four miles to the other side as we kept an eye on them while trolling. When they got to the east side of the lake, they got out, shook off, turned around and got back in the lake and swam all the way back to the west side and disappeared into the hills. Absolutely wild..............

Good Fishing, Kayote
Well lets see. I have 2 cool stories. One time we were at Pineview fishing for crappie,I was sitting next to my son-law, he was reeling in a crappie when all of a sudden snap a musky came right up took the crappie and everything he had on his line. Hook line and sinker so to speak. We just looked at each other with an amazed look on our faces. The other time we were ice fishing at East Canyon this winter when an Eagle swooped down to take a fish from a guy that had thrown one on the ice not far from us. The guy scared him away, so he flew up to a ledge and sat there and squaked at him. It was a very regal sight.


I'll have to chime in here an say the kewlest thing I seen was on the opener of the elk hunt we went to strawberry and first light we made it half way across the res and seen 8 cow moose and 1 calf swimming across the res.

I imagine the elk hunters spooked them into swimming across I was kinda suprised to see them swim that far. I knew they could swim but not for long distances like that. D
icefools story brought back a forgotton memory was out at catalina inland when a seal ripped a big bonita off someones line came up was kind of tossing it up and catching it to get a good angle to swallow it and a bald eagle flew down and snatched it right out of it face ! also the time we idled up to a 20' white shark basking on the surface was pretty cool
It sounds like you are dogging me aquaman. I hope not. I have really enjoyed reading his website.
[#ff0000]I was down in the river bottoms of Montana when a Whitetail popped up straight across a little field from me and spotted me and disappeared. I sat still for a while and watched when another deer popped up in the same spot. I watched it cautiously scope out the meadow for about ten minutes, decided it was safe, and trotted out to feed. It paused and looked behind it until a little fawn popped out and played along beside her. The doe kept stopping and looking back where it had emerged, with that irritated mom look I've seen about 10,000 times, when a second fawn reluctantly came out. It was the deer that had seen me. They were working their way straight toward me and the closer they got the more nuts the second fawn got, with much chastisement from mom to settle it down. This went on for about twenty minutes until she was within three feet of me. She finally saw me and took off across the field with that little guy prancing off behind her with the biggest "I told you so" look I have ever seen. [/#ff0000]
naw not dogging you icefool did'nt mean to affend

Fishing for salmon in Yakutat, Alaska. I was in the middle of the river one fish away from my limit. I had my fish on a stringer near the bank, I heard some bushes moving near my fish, when i looked over there was a large kodiak bear eyeballing my catch. I was outfitted with bear mace, a emergency whistle, large filleting knife, and they only thing i could think to do was scream. I screamed the highest pitch schoolgirl scream i have ever heard. The noise did the trick and the bear went back into the trees, without my fish!
When I was younger me and my friends would walk through the long narrow ponds by our house. We would carry fishing nets in front of us and net carp that swam into them. The water was only 3 feet deep and very dirty and the carp couldnt see us. We couldnt see them either. We caught several carp over 30 inches. One day I took my little brother who was about 7 years old. He was walking along side of us with his net. All of the sudden he got one in his net. He was not strong enough to lift the net out of the water with the carp in it. He lost his balance and fell over. He didnt want to loose the net so he held on tight. Well he was so light the the big carp started to pull him away. His head was the only thing sticking out of the water as the carp pulled him about 15 feet. He finally let go, and we all about died laughing. That was the funniest thing I ever saw. Almost Wiper24
These all have been pretty cool stories and i wish i could have been there for each and everyone of them. Man nothing is like seeing nature be herself! My coolest and scariest outdoor experence happened last year at Strawberry. While fishing the Horse Creek drainage area (it is a hike in only access). I ran into a mother cougar who had thoughts of an easy dinner of a dumb fisherman. I had been fishing (wading in the channel) casting flies on the end of a bubble. Had some luck but was getting tired and needed some lunch and a hot drink. I came out poured me a drink, re-setup my line for bait, casted it out and set it on some sage. I could feel something watching me and kept looking back over my shoulder and nothing was there. I unwrapped a sandwhich, squated down and was tending my pole while I ate and sipped some hot coffee. Then the hair on the back of my neck stood stright up and I spun around. I still saw nothing at first. The about 30 feet away I saw the black tip of a swaying tail just above the sage brush. I grabed my pole jumped to my feet and started screaming, waving my arms and jumping up and down. Up from the sage rose this female cougar, she darted to her right and took off back towards the road and the tree line on the other side. Now I would like to say that it didn't bother me but I still get quizzy when i think of what could have happened. But all turned out well and i still fish that drainage as it is one of the more productive areas for shore or wader fishermen. It just shows that no matter where you are be in touch with your surroundings and stay alert.

Hey Xman i know you have to have some nice experences to share here. Those of us who prefer the off beaten track areas see a bit more than most.
these are all cool stories. i have had alot but the one that stands out in my mind is fishing down on minersville in float tubes about three years ago. me and my buddy were catching those chubs on flies because we couldnt keep them off our lines long enough to actually trout fish. I had remembered seeing 5 or 6 very large birds soaring around in the air at the time. Which today i still dont know what kind they are. Almost look like a seagull but with a forked tail like a swallow and nearly the size of a golden eagle. Very large bird. So the day gos on and my buddy reals up a chub and has a hard time with the release. I happened to notice this bird coming down in elevation, and just out of nowhere tucks into a full on turbo dive towards the water. Well I realize whats happening and im screaming at my buddy HEY HEY look up look up. Of course he is just far enough away that he pulls the, put your hand to your ear and make a funny face, what did you say.

So times running out he is going to be a hood ornament on the end of a birds beak in 4 seconds unless something happens. He happens to look up and even though he is a good distance away I swear to this day I could see every detail on his face. Without words to describe probably the funniest thing I have ever seen knowing what that person is thinking. Well he rears back almost flips his tube the bird stops its flight its flayling to not hit since it just noticed ooops thats something i dont want to eat anymore. The bird misses his head by about 3 feet or so. Im not one to laugh at others misfortunes but. .... it was the most interesting, and comical, things i have ever seen.
Thanks X i knew ya had a good one for us!! I can see that and know how it felt!! I had a thing when I was 12 with a seagul, a striper, and a sardine. But not for posting here LOL.

Ya made me laugh and put a great big Smile on my face, can't ask for no more than that!!

my question is does anybody know what kind of bird that is? i have never seen once since or before. looks of a seagull forktail like a swallow size of about a golden eagle. anybody anybody?? glad to make you laugh road retyping had me in stitches again remembering the situation.
If you spend much time in the woods or on the stream or lake, and you keep your eyes open, you can't help but see funny and interesting things. I have been a witness to many amusing things. I watched a guy real in a seagull once when it took the hook right out of the air during a cast. The craziest thing that I ever saw was on a rabbit hunting tip out west of Brigham City near Rosette. We were just young explorer scouts, not old enough to drive. The scout masters wife went along on the trip as we needed a second vehicle to carry all of us and some of the equipment. We were on our way home after a 3 day hunt (during christmas vacation) and most of the guys were sleeping in the station wagon. The young wife was driving the car when an eagle swooped down from the sky and picked up a fresh "flat jack" on the road. Just as it picked it up and got over the car, one of the tires blew, scaring the eagle, which dropped the rabbit right onto the windshield. Blood and fur covered the windshield. The young wife started screaming as she was bringing the car to a stop. All the sleeping young men awoke to the bloody windshield and were certain that they had been in a crash. It all ended well enough. Nobody got hurt, just a little shook up at first, then all ended up laughing about it. The tire got fixed, everybody stayed awake the rest of the way home, but the poor eagle ended up looking for another easy meal.

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