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I have been fortunate enough to hunt a LE entry unit for the past few years; specifically for elk and deer.
However, this year I (we) had no luck on the draw. I will be hunting
Archery Elk, Muzz Deer (General) and know local rancher that will probably sell us a few landowner cow tags.
Where is everyone else hunting???
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I haven't decided on mz deer but i have been watching 2 bucks real close to home that are in serious danger! My 13 day mz elk hunt has been laid to rest due to the new job but i have also been watching a 5 point bull for the last 2 weeks and i think he is in serious trouble for the rifle hunt. All animals are within a half hour of my house. Later in december i will be up near Hardware looking for a cow. Good luck this fall Jason.
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I've gotta take it easy on the hunts this fall, as I'm busy building a house, but I'll still get in a day or two on the archery deer, as well as Chukaa, and Ducks.
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Cow Elk on Private property, Rifle deer where ever and whenever, and FISHING.....
Strawberry, BEAR lake, Gorge
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Rifle Deer, Muzzleloader Elk, Antlerless deer and a cow hunt with Rileyfish.
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Archery elk and deer this year. Although I'm really not going to chase deer alot until the exended season starts. I'm going for my birthday bull again this year. I have been on this quest for about 6 years now and have yet to get an opertunity on my B-day. Almost had a cow one year but that kinda defeats the bull for b-day plan.
After the archery stuff is over I'm taking a youngster on a muzzleload deer hunt, then taking him, and my wife on a rifle deer hunt, then going with my wife and brother on a late cow hunt. I didn't draw so I'm just there to spot and carry/ drag.
Good luck to all you archers and and for all you rifle guys aim a little higher!! Keep them alive for the archers next year!!!
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Archery Deer, Muzz Deer, Rifle Deer, Muzz Elk, dove, chukar, sage grouse, forest grouse, pheasants, and ducks. Probably a few rabbits here and there.
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[font "Lucida Console"][#ff4040]No big game this just doves, chukars, grouse, and ducks...hopefully some geese also.[/#ff4040][/font]
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Mule deer elk ducks montana whitetail rabbits to practice on
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Doves, Grouse, Crane, Chukar, Ducks and rifle Deer.