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Ultimate ff'ing platform :-)
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#005000][size 3]Here is the latest in fly fishing aquatic equipment... what do ya'll think..... [/size][/#005000][/font][url ""][font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#005000][size 3]new ff'ing tube?[/size][/#005000][/font][/url][#005000][font "Tempus Sans ITC"][size 3]......[/size][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][size 3]MacFly [cool][/size][/font]
Oh man...that's wicked awesome; I'd love to get one of those.[cool]
[#005028][Sad]Interesting. However, the people that are into joy riding on these destructions crafts care nada about tearing up the landscape or the water ways. I already can see how the shore line is gutted every times these 4x4- Waverunners enter or leave the water.[pirate][/#005028]
This is what boat launches and public access points are designated for. If I owned any craft (which I don't) I certaintly would take the proper measures to care for the environemnt and take into consideration the affect which intrusive craft can have on it. Not everyone is ignorant, but unfortunately, as you observed, most are. Sadly the only thing you can do is your own part.
While I do agree with your point here I look at it in a more abstract manner.. picture you have launched.. and are fishing.. suddenly a game warden see that you have not paid another fee to fish called a boat launch fee.. he gets in his boat to come talk to you.. mind you he is in an aluminum boat with a smaller motor on it.. you see him coming.. you put in gear and head for the shore.. you line trailing.. you outrun the warden to the ramp.. and there on your line is the largest fish you have ever caught... you get to the ramp.. you get out of the water and retrieve your fish.. hop back on your ride. and disappear in the sunset before the warden can get back to shore...

heheh then you wake up from your dreamm.. I mean come.. the biggest fish you ever caught.. like that would really happen.. [sly]

MacFly [cool]
That is a nice looking toy and could be very practical while respecting the environmental issues.

I will add in the safety aspects that I noticed.

They started off with a helmet. Great.[Smile]
Hit the water and suddenly they have a PFD. Awesome.[cool]

When they were going up the river and later back to land, No PFD was in sight! Bad[Sad]

They continued on land with no helmets. Boooo.[pirate]
Guilty...I don't always wear a PFD at all times when on the water. Just when its getting a little dicey...

But I have to go with Dryrod on this one. Nothing bugs me more then walking through the woods I hunt my deer in to find a giant criss-cross of rutted up trails all over from kids ripping around on thier ATVs and Dirtbikes. Or when I'm sitting in a nice calm bay fishing, and five jetskies come out of nowhere, fly around in circles at 60mph for a few minuits, make enough wave to capsize the titanic, and take off to find the next guy out enjoying a nice calm morning fish.

Some people will use it responsibly. Some will annoy me. As for access points, I launch my boat from all sorts of places that ain't boat launches. It can be done without ripping up the banks....
People complained all summer about when the gas prices sky rocketed (for what reason we still don't know).
Wondering how they were going to afford driving to work and back, but then they get one of these! I just don't get it!
you noticed that too huh... thought it was just these old peepers of mine.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
uuhhhnnnnnnn sis.. what do you mean you dont know why people were complaining about gas prices.. until recently we were at 3.30 plus a gallon and now that the prices are back under 3.00 the big oil companies are whining that they will have to raise prices again because of the damage from the hurricaine... of course this all has no bearin on the fact that we are coming Labor Day weekend soon... [crazy]

MacFly [cool]
#11 imagine being on one of these things.. fishting.. and the yahooos show up doing their thing.. to their surprise.. you put away your pole.. fire this thing up.. and chase them all down like a bat out of hades.. hehehe them yahoos would not know what hit them... [sly]

but.. on a serious note.. like you I hate it when these idiots race around acting like the water and the land are theirs and they can do anything they want and in any way they want... to me that is because of the shortage of law enforcement or the lack of enforcement of the law.. plus.. and yes I am beating a dead horse on this one.. the lack of discipline and respect for self ... other .. and property at home.. that is my "serious" two ... for now anyway...

MacFly [cool]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#005000][size 3]Here is the latest in fly fishing aquatic equipment... what do ya'll think..... [/size][/#005000][/font][url ""][font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#005000][size 3]new ff'ing tube?[/size][/#005000][/font][/url][#005000][font "Tempus Sans ITC"][size 3]......[/size][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][size 3]MacFly [cool][/size][/font]
[/#005000] [/reply]

I know that the same environmental issues and concerns as before but I think I will take this [url ""]larger version[/url].. especially with that big 50 cal just in case someone decides they want to piss me off.. hehehhee

MacFly [cool]
At first I thought it was a smudge or 2 on my glasses. Then I realized that I don't wear glasses. duh..........[cool]
[Smile] well we went from the kiddie to the adult models in the videos.. but have to say I am leaning toward the adult version.. that .50 cal is appealing .. [sly]

MacFly [cool]
That would be nice![cool]
now why did I know that you would agree with me about the .50 cal. [sly]

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