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Strawberry 8/31
Ok, I finally got up to Strawberry on Friday. I was really anxious to get out near the knolls and try jigging after the reports here. Again, it's been a couple of years since I have had enough time to spend up there to really learn what's working and not.
Well, we got the boat down the ramp and the dang thing wouldn't start. Finally got some gas down the carb and it started. We headed out into the open, worked the throttle to see if the problems from last year were cured, then hit the throttle harder. Guess we didn't fix the problem. After the motor runs for a little bit, especially when you hit the gas, it will sputter, die, and not start again.
After eliminating a lot of other possibilities over the past week, I'm quite confident there is sediment in the carburator that is plugging off the jets after you get gas flowing through there. Let it sit still for a while and it will start again. At this point I think I just want to find someone that can quickly rebuild the carb (and do a good job at it) so I can get out again this year.

As for the fishing, well....because of this problem we were confined to using the 9.9 hp troller to move the 19' boat around. Because of that, we weren't about to take it out across the lake, or very far from the marina for that matter. We spent the day puttering around between the marina and Haw's point with very limited success. I think we boated a total of 4 fish and the largest was 18".

It was still good to get out, but all-in-all a very disappointing day.
That's too bad but at least you got out and caught a few fish. Hopefully you will be able to get it fixed before the end of the season and have a chance to get out again. Did you end up jigging or trolling? If you were trolling, what were you using? WH2
I've got a co-worker that went up Monday and caught 3 fish. He didn't start fishing till noon. That is when I usually stop fishing and go home!
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing.  Then I retired.  Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.

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