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[size 1] [/size] [center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 1][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=29467;][/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Today's date - September 11th or 911.[/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Amen[/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4][/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4][/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4][/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4][/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Are you flying our flag today? [/size][/green][/font][/center]
.... do you remember what you were doing and where you were when the planes hit the WTC and how did you initially find out about it ?

[font "Poor Richard"][red][size 3][shocked]Yes indeed. While making coffee I turn on the the local TV news station. At first I thought that I was watching the movie channel. To my horror it was the real thing. What a waste of human life and all in the name of some religious fanatics.[/size][/red][/font]
... I suppose I should answer my own question....

..I had worked late the night before so I was sleepin.. youngest daughter came in and woke me up saying that some guy from the middle east had had people hijack planes and fly them into the WTC in New York.. first reaction was that she was nuts and making up stories.. but I did get up and went into the living room where the tv was on... I got there just as the second plane came in and hit the second tower.. I looked at my daughter and asked if this was a replay... she had tears in her eyes as she said that it was all live....

..once it dawned on me what was truly happening I got Angry.. very Angry .. and that led to a numb feeling of "how could this happen ?"... although I was Angry that we had been attacked and that and untold number of people had died or were going to die before it was all over.. I was more Angry at our military intelligence and security groups.. without going into detail 911 should never of happened .. in my opinion anyway.. .

... now six years later we still have our forces in Iraq doing their job day in and day out while our politicians sit here in the states trying to win votes by toying with the fate of all of those military personnel, the fate of a country, and the fate of our relationship with the Middle East in general...

..bottom line to me is.. I will never forget that day.. I hope no one will ever forget that day.. and above all else I will support our military to the very end.. they are doing the job that no one else wants to do... and I think they are doing one hell of a job...

I was walking down a hall at work, passed the Canteen, and the boys were talking about how it looks like we're going to war.

Maybe 9/11 shouldn't have happened, but I believe more blame should be placed on the scum that did it, and less on the governments/other organizations involved. Its like blaming gun-control laws for murder and suicide.

As for the fighting over there, I can't say the middle east is a fun place to be right now, and I can think of a million things I'd rather do then wander around the desert dodging IEDs. I'm not American, though we're still slugging it out in Afganistan.

I made a choice to be a soldier, and I'll go back over and over until we either run out of enemies, or I'm dead. I'd rather fight them on thier turf, then have them damaging my cities, killing my citizens, and putting my family at risk here in north America. They way I see it, for every terrorist I get to come out and trade bullets with me in the middle east is one less terrorist available to bomb a shopping mall in my home.

Still, I'd rather be fishing[Wink]
... as we all know hind sight is always 20/20... my comment about government agencies is based on my background in the Navy.. I spent 21 years in a group in the service whose job it is is to know what is going on and when things will happen.. bear in mind people will make mistakes.. even with that there was too much evidence that pointed to an upcoming event.. the group I speak of has the job of analying information and based on experience.. current events.. information provided etc advise the president and others of pending events.. to me.. they did not ... for whatever reason.. do their job.. or if they did.. the ones they advise chose not to listen.. now.. off that soap box..

.. I agree with you 100% and more on keeping the battle over on their turf.. like you Id rather see that than them over here doing as they did six years ago...

..lastly.. I must say I stand and first salute you for your dedication to duty.. honor.. and preserving the freedoms we are all used to.. I appreciate that there are men and women like you are willing to fight the fight that is needed.. after the salute

... Id shake your hand and thank you face to face for your service and carrying on the vital mission of the free militaries around the world..

... and when it is over.. like you.. Id be honored to go fishing with you...

MacFly [Smile]

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