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Fall Fishing Swap
I guess I'll bring this up. Fall is fast approaching and as we all know the browns start to get agressive and the other fish put on the feed bag before winter time. Flygoddess did the swap last time (very good job by the way) so I'll do it again. How about a fall/spawn swap? Lets get a list going and get some of our patterns out to each other. This time instead of just giving a fly and the recipe, I would like to have a story about the time you used this fly and why it is special to you. We can compile these into a small booklet to share our stories with each other. Also, we should report back on how they worked for us. I'm in for two flies this time, I'll run the swap. Tie up the number of flies per person who signs up plus one more. Then lets vote on the best story that comes with the fly and the winner will get an extra set of flies in a nice fly box (I'll supply the fly box). We should get at least six people, but the more the merrier. We need to set a deadline since the browns really start kicking up in October/November. And don't forget the cutthroats and rainbows love to eat this time of year too. How about it?

...gotta say your idea is just making me wish I was tying flies....or should I say I knew how to tie flies.. but .. on the bright side.. I cant wait to see how this all pans out... I love seeing the results of the fly ties...

MacFly [cool]
Come on can tie something can't you?!
Im in, I will do my favorite Chironomids.
Make you a deal sis...give me a little time and I will try to learn to at least tie a wb.. maybe with some of my brainstorm variations.. lol.. no promises.. if I can do that then I am in...

btw.. I went to Michaels and was able to get an ott lite for 40 % off.. its a nicer one so I am glad I got some good advice from my sis before I bought... [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
Okay, I don't want anyone to feel they can't participate because they cannot or don't tie. So if you want to buy some flies that are special to you and give us the story, then that would be okay as well. I really want everyone to feel included. I think this swap is more about the stories than the flies. I love to read the trip reports. Flygoddess, as always, I can count on you. I am going to tie two flies: tabou emerging caddis and another fly I have yet to decide on. I am thinking the good old prince or a rainbow scud, or perhaps a streamer of some sort. Decisions, decisions.

..please dont take my comments wrong... I do not feel like I was being pressured or anything like that... I do want to participate and try to tie ... sis was just poiniting that out to me in her own special way... [sly].. but.. I know now that if I cannot tie or wont be able to tie I can always buy the flies that I speak of and tell you a story then I will do that.. soooooooooooooooooooooooooo saying all of that Id say you can count me in.... [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
[cool][#005000]Hi there katghoti - thanks for grabbing the bull by the horns. Count me in. Maybe I will tie my favorite for there is a brief story to go with it. And that would be a Royal Wulff. The trouble is I can never get two to look alike.[/#005000]
I hear that Dry Rod. Try tying one a day LOL It works for me.
another way is to tie in step. The royal wulff is one that works well in doing it by steps. That is tie all the tails and then whip finish.
Then tie in the wings on all the flies. and whip finish. Then tie in the herl and the floss and whip finish. After doing that for all the flies go back and tie in the hackle.

But it also means you will want to tie a few flies before hand to get a little practice on doing the sizing and portions you want.
I can participate in the swap. I have a fly in mind that is a great producing fly with a great funny story. You will recognize it as a great pattern any you may have heard my funny story before but you will read it in greater detail this time. It is more a late summer early fall pattern than a late fall pattern but so what.

But I may have to switch my choice though as it is a time consuming fly to tie.

Who else is in for this?
Here is the list so far (we need more people!)


Come on lurkers, I know you want to do this.

I'm in.
I guess I can kick in some nice Bass flies. These are heavy streamers. They can be used in fresh or saltwater. I hope you don't mind that they are on Owner hooks.

I don't have a name for them because they are some of my own inventions that really kick Bass! You can use them for Smallies, LMB and Wipers.[cool]
.... and you are bringing some of these on Saturday for me to try out before submitting them for the swap correct..??? [laugh]

MacFly [cool]
Of course. I will let you be my outside source for Fly Testing.[cool]
#16 definitely have a deal.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
[#000000][size 1]Wow, sorry for all this delay everyone. Very very busy time at the house. We had big storms last week that fried the power supply on my PC at home and I just got it up and running. Whew. And I will admit that my time has been divided between fly fishing and getting ready for the muzzle loader hunt at the end of the month. That being said, lets get more people involved. I am going to post an invite at the Utah fly fishing board, others post in your states as well. [/size][/#000000]
[size 1][/size]

[#000000][size 1]Updated list now:[/size][/#000000]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]Katghoti
Lunker Hunter 2
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]Seven of us now. Come one people, just five more. I got my Chickabou coming in the mail to get my flies tied. I am excited. My wife has agreed to step in and help me this year. I have to one up flygoddesses swap last year. I plan on putting together the recipies for each fly with the stories and bind them in a spiral notebook for everyone that is involved. So, if possible, please send me pictures of your flies to include. Very excited here.[/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]katghoti[/size]
...glad to see you are back safe and sound... hmmm muzzle loader.. sounds like my missed shot last december.. [unsure]

MacFly [cool]
Hooked another one.

[size 1]Katghoti
Lunker Hunter 2
[size 1]WarChild[/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]8 in the boat. We are getting closer. [/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]katghoti[/size]
list is getting longer.. but.. closer to what????.. did I miss something here.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]

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