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Sweetspot/50 fish day

Headed up to the mountains knowing that it would probably be my last time in the high country fishing until next summer. Short sleeve weather and the fish cooperated. Easily caught 50 in 3 hours. Nothing big, mostly 11- 13 inch rainbows, browns and cutts. Have today off so I think I'll go look for some bigger fish. I'd post a picture of the location but my wife got a new apple computer while I was out fishing and I haven't look at how to download photos. Maybe I should just draw a map so everyone doesn't ask me where I went[Wink].
Ah the joys of a mac. Your life just got easier my friend. Open iPhoto, connect the camera, card, etc, and it will automatically ask you if you want to import the pictures.
Sounds like a great day, not me I was stuck at work all day[Sad], glad to hear someone got out in this awesome weather, hopefully it will hold out a little longer so we can go together.
Wow you just wont let it go....Drama Queen
I'm attaching a photo of the location. Pats Fan it might not be easily identifiable as Fraconia Notch while the Old Man in the Mountain was still watching over so send me a pm if you want to know the location.
Trying again
Don't need to know the location but that's my kind of water.

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