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encon october highlites
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]WESTERN DISTRICT[/#000000][/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]DWI Arrest[/#000000][/size][/font]

[black][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]On 10/18/07, EnCon Police Officer Steve Stanko was on patrol in the Naugatuck State Forest on Hunter's Mountain Road in Naugatuck where he observed a pick up truck parked in a dirt parking lot in the forest. As he passed by the parking lot Officer Stanko observed a man standing next to the rear driver's side part of the truck bed. The man's lower body was hidden behind the rear driver's side quarter panel of the pick up truck bed and it appeared he was doing something in his hands. Hunting season was open and Officer Stanko suspected the man may be a hunter and was either putting something into his truck bed or taking something out. As Officer Stanko approached the truck the man got into the vehicle, which had the motor running. When Officer Stanko walked up to the truck window the man appeared to put his vehicle in park, turn the engine off and remove his keys from the ignition. As Officer Stanko began to speak to the man, he smelled a strong odor of alcoholic beverages on or about his person. The odor smelled strongly like beer. The man told Officer Stanko that he was parked there "just reading a magazine". Officer Stanko did not see any magazine in the truck, however he did see an open can of beer in a holder on the passenger seat. When asked, the man advised Officer Stanko that he had consumed four beers. When Officer Stanko told the man that he did not observe any reading material in the cab of the truck, the man then opened a plastic carry box in the truck's bed and produced a hard-core pornography magazine. It should be noted that there had been a number of previous complaints received in the area regarding persons engaged in lude and lascivious acts. As the subject was operating a vehicle, Officer Stanko performed a field sobriety test and determined that the subject appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. Based on his observations, Officer Stanko arrested the subject for Operating Under the Influence.[/size][/font][/black]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]Reckless Endangerment with a Crossbow[/#000000][/size][/font]

[black][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]On 10/5/07, EnCon Police Officers Steve Stanko and Sean Buckley stopped at Bennett's Pond State Park in Ridgefield to check a vehicle that was in the park after sunset. The officers had located an illegal campsite in the park earlier in the afternoon. The officers observed a subject wearing a headlamp come out of the woods. When the officers asked the subject what he was doing, the subject stated that he had been archery hunting, which is legal in Bennett’s Pond State Park. The subject did not have any hunting equipment with him and the officers asked where his hunting gear was. The subject stated that he had a medical issue so he left it in his tree stand. Officers Stanko and Buckley located the tree stand and found an easily accessible crossbow, which was cocked and had a bolt in place. The crossbow was hanging from a metal hook about 15 feet up in a tree, had a small webbing strap lightly holding it to the tree, and was not locked or secured in any manner. The subject’s climbing tree stand was approximately 15 feet below on the same tree, providing direct access to the crossbow, and was also not locked or secured to the tree in any manner. Attached to the opposite side of the tree from the crossbow was a quiver containing 2 more bolts with mechanical hunting broad heads affixed. Attached to the tree stand was a small camouflage fanny pack containing miscellaneous hunting equipment, knife, and a camouflage shirt, face cover, and gloves. The subject was arrested for Reckless Endangerment 2nd. The officers used the climbing tree stand to quickly and easily recover the crossbow from the tree and then all hunting equipment was seized and transported out of the woods. [/size][/font][/black]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]Reckless Endangerment/Narcotic Arrest[/#000000][/size][/font]

[black][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]On 10/27/07, EnCon Police Officers Paul Hilli and Keith Schneider responded to a report of shots fired in Salisbury on a piece of private property where previous illegal hunting complaints have been received. Officer Hilli and Schneider arrived and entered the property, stopping by a metal Quonset hut to listen for shots. There was a sudden volley of shots that struck the Quonset hut. Officers Hilli and Schneider split up and circled around where they thought the shots originated from. Officers Hilli and Schneider then found three subjects who had been target shooting. Officers found .32 caliber bullets on one of the subjects and determined that the subject had thrown a .32 caliber pistol into the underbrush when the officers approached. A second subject was found to be in possession of a narcotic substance. Officers also discovered a quantity of marijuana, along with additional ammunition for the pistol near the subjects. Two of the subjects were arrested for possession of marijuana and the third, who had thrown the pistol into the underbrush was arrested for Reckless Endangerment, Possession of Marijuana and Interfering with an officer.[/size][/font][/black]

[#000000][size 3][font "Times New Roman"]EASTERN DISTRICT[/font][/size][/#000000]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Assault[/#000000][/font][/size]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]On 10/12/07, EnCon Police Sgt. Paul O’Connell and Officer Jason Williams responded to Wolf Den State Campground in Pomfret for a report of an assault. There was a Native American Pow Wow taking place at the campground that day. At the scene they learned that one of the participants had been head butted and choked by another participant. The suspect had fled the campground prior to the arrival of the officers. The suspect was only known by the name of Thomas Red Corn and no one could provide his real name or a motor vehicle registration number for his vehicle. The investigation is suspended pending additional information.[/#000000][/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]Illegal Deer Hunting[/#000000][/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]On 10/17/07, EnCon Police Officer Ed Pyznar received a complaint of illegal deer hunting in Tolland. The complainant said that there was an illegal tree stand on private property and showed Officer Pyznar the location. Officer Pyznar returned on 10/20 and found a vehicle parked in the area. Officer Pyznar observed a hunter walking in the woods. The hunter admitted that he had removed the tree stand in an effort to avoid detection and that he did not have permission to hunt on the property. The hunter was charged with Hunting deer without Written Consent. Another hunter was observed walking on the road and was charged with Simple Trespass.[/#000000][/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]Boating Accident[/#000000][/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]On 10/20/07, EnCon Police Captain John Smutnick, Sgt. Bob Zabilansky, and Officers Dean Wojcik, Larry Golet and Tony Rose responded to a boating accident on the Thames River in Montville. A 17’ fiberglass boat traveling at high speed had struck a pier near the former Norwich State Hospital. The 43 year-old male operator received minor injuries and the 29 year-old male passenger received very serious injuries. The bow of the fiberglass boat was crushed from the impact. The accident is under investigation.[/#000000][/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]Illegal Setline[/#000000][/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]On the afternoon of 10/20/07, EnCon Police Officer Ed Yescott was working a waterfowl enforcement detail on the Connecticut River in Rocky Hill. At approximately 5:00 p.m. he observed three men arrive at the Rocky Hill boat launch where they launched a small aluminum boat with an outboard motor and went to the middle of the river and began fishing. A short time later two more men arrived and launched another small aluminum boat and proceeded to the middle of the river with the other vessel. All five men were fishing with rods and reels until about 6:00 p.m. At that time Officer Yescott observed them deploy a 700-foot setline in the river. They continued to fish with rods and reels and tend the setline as well. Officer Yescott summoned assistance and Sgt. O’Connell responded. They notified the Rocky Hill Police Department who responded to the boat launch. Sgt. O’Connell and Officer Yescott checked the five men and found that none of them had any commercial or recreational fishing license. They had 23 catfish and 6 eels in their vessels and many fish were attached to the setline when the officers retrieved it from the river. In addition to the fishing violations the men were cited for numerous boating violations including Insufficient Personal Flotation Devices, Operating an Unregistered Vessel, Operating a Vessel without a Boating Safety Certificate, and Operating a Vessel without Navigation Lights. The setline was seized as evidence and the fish were photographed and released.[/#000000][/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]MARINE DISTRICT[/#000000][/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]Undersized Fish[/#000000][/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][#000000]On 10/2/07, EnCon Police Sgt. Eric Lundin responded to the Stratford Boat Launch on the Housatonic River on a complaint of illegal fishing activity. The complainant stated that a subject was keeping undersized fish and hiding them in his vehicle. Sgt. Lundin arrived and saw a subject and vehicle matching the description given by the complainant. Sgt. Lundin approached the subject that was fishing and obtained consent to search the vehicle. Inside the vehicle, Sgt. Lundin found one eighteen-inch striped bass, a ten-inch fluke and a 9-inch scup. All three fish were under the minimum legal length. The subject was issued a summons for the violations and released.[/#000000][/size][/font]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Boating Accident[/#000000][/font][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]On 10/17/07, EnCon Police Officers from the Marine District responded to Long Island Sound off of Clinton to assist in a search for persons missing from a capsized vessel. At about 5: 45 a.m., Sgt. Tom Bull, Officer Todd Chemacki and Officer Mike Tavares responded in the 27’ Safeboat to Long Island Sound off of Clinton to assist the U.S. Coast Guard and Clinton Police and Fire Dept.’s with a search and rescue operation. Two persons were reported overdue from a fishing trip and their vessel was found capsized about three miles off the Clinton shoreline. Officer Raul Ramos responded to the scene along with Sgt. Jim Warren and Officer Chris Dwyer as members of the Boating Accident Reconstruction Unit. The EnCon Police took the lead in the investigation assisted by Clinton Police Dept. and members of the Major Crime Squad from the State Police. The U.S. Coast Guard at about 2: 30 p.m. recovered the body of one of the missing persons that afternoon. [/#000000][/font] __________________
Captain Raul Camejo
[url ""]Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection[/url]
[url ""]Connecticut State Environmental Conservation Police[/url]

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