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thames river,norwich harbor
I met up with Jay at Norwich Harbor monday, we both had high hopes on catching stripers. We were the first boat out, so we had to find the fish, no problem, I have been there before. We moved around to the spots they like to hang before sun-up. Located a few on the fish finder but no luck. When the sun started coming up we trolled umbrella rigs down river past the oil company, no luck, didn't mark a fish. Trolled around the harbor with no luck. We ended up finding them up the Shetucket River by the RR bridge. There were 4 other boats there. One was fly [Image: fishing.gif] and tagging stripers and doing very well. Another was trolling and doing good. Another was casting jigs doing ok. Another was casting jigs also but not doing well. We started trolling. Jay was using the same rig the other boat was but not producing so we switched to jigs. After a while Jay had one, me nothing, just bouncing off them. After a few more passes, Jay gets another, me nothing. No one can say that we didnt try but it was a Monday thing, everything we did was wrong. We ended up losing 3 umbrella rigs and 3-4 jigs. We did get to see a bald eagle and a harbor seal. I couldn't get pics because my new batteries were dead in the camera [Image: icon_rolleyes.gif] .

Oh, if Jay ever tells you he doesn't ice fish, he's lying. I saw it first hand, he caught a good size chunk of ice,lol [Image: Smileythumbsup.gif]
I had a really good time, just wished the fish were cooperative but will give it hell next time.
heres a video that jay took of the seal,he needs a little practice on his camera skills,you can catch a glimps in the lower right corner

[url ""][/url]
Glad to see someone grabbed a couple of fish.[shocked] You had a nice day to be out as well. No tube&worms??? Jay does need to work on the video thing. I saw 2 seconds of seal footage. Glad to see someone got out.
no,tubenworm,i had them too never gave it a thought.i dont think they would have worked,jay was going alittle fast,i had a problem keeping my rig down,had to add 2 oz inline weight
WOW I never felt the need to add weight to a christmas tree. Van Daming with the rigs?? What ever works.[shocked]

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