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"new conspericy theriory"

she has come to detroit today, as I have said many times in the past, I never buy in to coincendences....

granted she has somewhat a valid reason for coming to michigan, altho I thought she should have gone to lansing rather than detroit...

which I think a new democratic election the way they plan on setting it up is a farce, they plan on only alowing those who voted democrat in the jan primary to vote, not the people who did not vote, and not the people who voted republican because their democratic nominee was not on the ballot...

so down to the conspericy, as every one here knows, Kawmy is in hot water, hilery has money and political pull, enough to make his problems go away if he guarentees those same dead people who voted for him crawl back up out of the ground to vote for her on the primary and november election....

If his problems which has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt that he has comitted pergery goes away, well we all will know who and what happend.....[crazy]

any other polititions in this country need to be bought by the elect hillery campain fund?
they all got grease man
aint that the truth [Tongue]

the mayor set him self up a defence fund where you can give him money for leagle defence, but it is not deductable, and you can not give any charitable or non for proffit monies raised to his leagle defence because it is against a federal law that prohibits that type of fund raising.

he thinks that people are going to give him money during a broken economy that they cant write off on thier taxes..[crazy]

the last couple days he is running around town trying to play mayor with money he dosnt have, "gambling revenews over the next 30 years" virtuly freezing up any income money the city would get from the casinos of detroit...[crazy] talk about your dumb and dumber.... the money he is talking about is 300 million dollars of money the city dose not have, there for putting the city in further debt. What he is attempting to do is make the 8.2 million he defrauded the city of detroit is nothing compared to revenues that will be comming in...

I thought to my self, 300 million dollar package, when it could have been a 308.2 million dollar package....[crazy] and shouldnt he have been doing these programs in the first place insted of spending tax dollars on building casinos?

monday the mayor of detoit was served an eviction notice to vacate the city mantion. he put police officers at the front doors to arest any one trying to serve him with eviction papers...[crazy] dosnt he realize when he shows up in court that the judge can serv him with the eviction papers?

he has no respect for the citizens, the corts, or the office he is holding on to desperatly....

he has been asked by every one in the state to leave office, I guess he thinks his job title is "Pharo"

if the current mayor stays, the city of detroit will never recover, he ither needs to resign, or the city/citizens will have to remove him from office to show that Detroit is going to rebuild it self and not just one man is so irreplaceable that his crimes against the city will be over looked....

I have to admit, I have never been more prouder of the city of detroit than I am today after seeing them attempting to clean up the city from the top down... if they fail, my veiw of detroit will sink back to what it has always been, a place I wouldnt want to live in or visit, that means no foot ball no base ball no hockey no casino no nothin......

Good Luck Detroit, your in my prayrs....

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