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Hi from Chicago, Illinois
I'm new to the site and just wanted to say hi.
hiya koolwater.. welcome to the BFT.. we'd love to hear more about your fishing adventures.. like..
what type fishing do you do.. what species do you target most.. do you use a boat, float tube, pontonn.. etc...
hope to hear back from ya soon and to see some reports (with pics) of your fishing adventures..
Kool Screen Name KoolWater!
Welcome aboard!

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
Thanks guys, I'm mostly a shore fisherman looking for secret little ponds free from the fishing pressure received here in the suburbs of Chicago. We do a yearly trip to the Boundary Waters in Minnesota and Canada and a yearly trip to the Florida Keys which got canceled this year because of gas prices [frown] ,nothing Sadder then filling up a 80 gallon gas tank on the boat with gas on the water near $5 a gallon and then to top it off we have to drive 1500 miles each way towing a boat . Going down to Arkansas for the first time to try our luck next week.
Welcome to BFT, if ya get in to ice fishing, by all mean stop by the ice fishing board and chill out a spell,

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