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Why Do Americans rip off America ?
Quote: WASHINGTON - An internal audit of some $8 billion paid to U.S. and Iraqi contractors found that nearly every transaction failed to comply with federal laws or regulations aimed at preventing fraud, in some cases lacking even basic invoices explaining how the money was spent.

Of the money paid during a five-year period — from 2001 through 2006 — $7.8 billion in payments skirted billing rules with some violations egregious enough to invite potential fraud, warned the Defense Department's inspector general.

and why cant we fine, or throw in jail these crooks . .

oh yeah, daddy bush says its all OK..

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Its called Greed! with todays economy, everybody wants to catch up. Along with todays tecnology, They make it easier and easier to defraud some one or some place.

Its all about the Benjamins baby!
and the folks supposed to be watching the hen house done got theirs too i guess . ..

SM, I actually agree that the people resposible should be thrown in jai.

Shoot everyone that rips off the tax payers should be thrown in jail. We can start with the folks you described, but we should also not forget the illegals aliens and the politicians that allow them to be here. Illegals cost the tax payers of our country more than 10 billion in Government aid every year. That 10 billion is all above any amount that they may pay in taxes, social security, or medicaid benefits. Or any politician that includes earmarks into any bill should be thrown in jail also.
I cant see how earmarks can always be said to be a bad thing, i mean these men are representatives of a district, a fairly small group, and part of their job is to get federal money to stimulate their economy, enhance a state program, or ihey even improve a fishery hopefully . . .

but if we all were stockholders in a corp, and they squandered 8 bil
, or theyre was lousy accounting on 8 bil, somebody would be asking questions about it, besides a free press

The Problem with politic is its full of politicians! The biggest problem is only the rich can run for office and they are owned by the rich for the rich. The rich get richer the poor stay poor and the middle class flips the bill. And it will never change. Dem Republicans they’re all the same.
+ I always feel bad for someone who cheers for Cubs. It is written, “when the small bears form the windy city hold forth the trophy of the #1 baseball team you will know it is the end of days.” The bible.[sly]

[quote southernman]I cant see how earmarks can always be said to be a bad thing, i mean these men are representatives of a district, a fairly small group, and part of their job is to get federal money to stimulate their economy, enhance a state program, or ihey even improve a fishery hopefully . . .

but if we all were stockholders in a corp, and they squandered 8 bil
, or theyre was lousy accounting on 8 bil, somebody would be asking questions about it, besides a free press

SM I will admit some earmarks are used for good purposes, I still don't like them though. If the earmarks were as good as thought there would be a bill introduced to support them rather than tying them to a bill that has absolutely nothing to do with the earmark.

I like your shareholder analogy! I feel like we as the tax payers are the share holders and congress should have to pass each policy that has money spent on it individually.
So dose our convicted fellons "the Clintons" say its all ok.

to answer your question, because they are not americans but part of the sleeper sells of the old Commie Regieme.
I would agree, but then that would mean that cirtain pollitions would have to show up to work every day and not run for other positions on the tax payer dole.[crazy]
Oh' so your not a met's fan.. [laugh]

We say the same thing about the detroit lions... I have a better chance of hitting the lottery that the lions have winning the super bowl...

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