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Willard Wiper Invitational Report
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Boy, this event turned up even more strong feelings than I figured it would. I wanted to reply to the earlier thread but since it got locked/deleted before I could, I decided to post a new one. Moderators, I won't mind if you lock or delete this thread. I trust your judgement.

My post today will be a 2-part post. First a report of the contest and second my opinion about the controversy.

We launched at about 7:00 A.M. to wonderfully smooth water. Water temp at launch time was around 62 degrees and by the afternoon had reached 68. The water level, by my judgment, has risen about 2-3 feet since I was out there last week!

For the last couple of weeks, many reports included much bigger wipers. But today, the smaller ones were the only ones that wanted to play.

Speaking of size, I have to laugh (at the expense of Reel Fast) about a story that was kind of funny (to me but definitely not to him). Apparently, ReelFast had caught what might have been the largest walleye. He was in the marina waiting for his trailer to be backed in so he decided to take that big eye out of the live well and measure it. On the way to the measuring tape, that eye decided to make a run for the lake and overboard he went! Man, that has got to be a bummer for RF!

Thank goodness for bug nets. Holly crap the knats were bad out there on the lake!

Here are a few pics that I snapped:

FishNCoach and VividDawn waiting for the GO signal:
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850][inline Lil-Minow-444.jpg]

And the stringer of wipers they took home for dinner:
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850][inline Coach-and-Vivid-Dawn-string.jpg]

SpiderWelder working a money fish:
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850][inline Kirt-working-444.jpg]

And the resulting catch:
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850][inline Spider-Stringer-444.jpg]

Petty doing the measuring:
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850][inline Petty-judging-444.jpg]

The haul from team MGB:

[inline MGB-Team-444.jpg][/#002850][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]
And his resulting BIG trophy for the BIGgest walleye:

[inline MGB-big-444.jpg]

For a team that has consistently showed us how NOT to catch fish at a tournament, team AFDan sure turned things around this year. Dan and son took not only 3rd place:

[inline AFDan-not-just-1-444.jpg]

But they also took the biggest fish trophy:

[inline AFD-But-2-444.jpg]

Second place went to Petty4life and BearClaw:

[inline Petty-Claw-444.jpg]

With SpiderWelder’s help, he and I took first:

[inline First-place-team-and-string.jpg]

Big thanks to WiperHunter2 for all his effort and months of planning, to Petty and Reelfast for measuring and judging, and to the angler for the great trophies and prizes.


Now for my weigh in on the controversy:

Many of you have voiced your displeasure on not being invited to the contest (or even hearing about it). I can’t blame you a bit. I would feel the same way too. As has been stated, several who weren’t invited are regular Willard post contributors, moderators, or even both. And the sharing of your frustration is respected by most of us. Like many things in life, some things are just not fair. For the most part, where you stand on this issue depends on whether or not you were invited.

In defense of WiperHunter2, because of low water in the marina, as well as other concerns, he felt that he had to set a very low limit of ten boats. And stopping at just ten boats is going to make lots of people very unhappy any way you go about it. Trust me, WH2 would have much rather had a marina with full water levels to invite everyone. But even then, he would have had to draw the line on how many boats could enter, and again, some feelings would have justifiably been hurt.

WH2 did the best he knew how under the circumstances. Will he do things differently another year (if he even does it at all)? ... Probably.

Good opinion Old Coot. I am not upset about this situation, but I do feel for the guys that are. I have never fished Willard, at least since I have owned my boat, but I am going to and probably will get hooked and would like to be invited to one of these contests'. Anyhow, I dont know all the logistics into the planning of this so called secret event, but in my opinion, maybe they should have posted on here that they were going to hold the event, see who would like to participate, then throw their names into a hat and pick 10 people that way. Now all that seems to have happened was a big "dis-trust" issue amongst BFTers and it seems that there are "Favorites" now!!! Again, just in my opinion, gathering from what I have read!!! I guess what I am trying to say is that it COULD HAVE probably been planned a little better without it making it look like they were picking favorites, but it is over and done with now, so oh well!!!! Thanks for the report and pictures.
It looks like you guys had a good time. and good on ya! I as well as others complained about this, but with more on the situation I for one am no longer upset with the outing being limited to 10 boats, and to WH2 and others thanks for putting this together even though I was not there, these things are not easy to put together and I don't want to see you quit doing it. I look forward to being at one in the future, Sorry for the testostrone out break!
Ralph, can you explain how the water level had any impact on the amount of people being involved? I am not seeing the reasoning here. You can safely launch most fishing boats out of the north marina at this point. Were they worried about clogging the ramp? Why could they have just had everyone launch and wait outside the marina for a start time? Not a real good reason IMO. I could see if Curt had problems running a larger amount of people but it has been said over and over that the water level was the major problem. Please enlighten me.[cool]
[#0000ff]"Ralph, can you explain how the water level had any impact on the amount of people being involved?"[/#0000ff]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Brody, last year the water level at Willard remained VERY low all year. At the first of this year the water levels were so low that there were considerations of not even opening the South marina. We were fortuante that yesterday's water levels had risen a few feet. But when WH2 was in the planning stages of this get together, there were doubts that even a 10-boat event was reasonable. It was unknown if the levels were going to change.

When the water levels go drasticly down in such a small area as the marina, "launch at your own risk" signs go up and room to manover boats around each other disapears.

Yesterday, there was plenty of room for all 10 boats. But the water is still so low that there are no docks to use ... just have to run your boat into the rocky sand banks. Lots of guys would wine about that too.

Currently, the marina is NOT the place to hold a 50 boat tournament. At least not until the water comes up a bit. Once it does (if it does) I'm sure [url ""]your tournament[/url] will be a success.[/#002850][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850][/#002850][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]The last word is yours ... I'm done.

Man, I thought me and Curt went way back, back to the days of the FOD/QC at least. No hard feelings anyhow, I'm sure I'll be invited next time (write that down). Glad everyone had fun but that story about Reelfast dropping the fish sounds, ummm, well fishy at best.

Go ahead, pullthetrigger
That is all i wanted to know. Just wondering why. Thanks for the reply.[Wink]
I for one am not totally upset over this but everyone who has bad feelings could have been avoided if the post would have been worded like yours "Willard Wiper Invitational " and explained why it was an invitational instead of an open contest for all BFTRS. If WH2 needed help he could have also posted about needing assistance with whatever he needed. There are those who always offer to lend a hand besides moderators. They could also have had used both the south and north marina to weigh and measure fish and giving everyone a specific weighing time miss the weigh in you are DQ. I feel bad for you WH2 because you are in a no win situation here.Even if i couldnt participate in the contest i personally would have liked to be around to meet those who participated who i didnt know and who i do know.Hopefully this wont discorage you from holding another one next year if we do have any water i willard.Cograts to the winners great job !!![cool]
Good report Ralph, and a good opinion as well. I for one couldn't have made it regardless of where, who, why, or when they had it, so I have no qualms there. Glad you guys had a good time.

Curt, no hard feelings man, but you could have avoided the brunt of attacks by calling it something else. Just my 2 cents.

I'm glad for those of you who went, and for the obvious good time that was had by all.
I think getting all this out is good. This is a free country except for the DWR rules and the park rules you can have what ever kind of tournament you want. What ever sponsorship you can get involved and of course a open or an invitational event. In a perfect world an open event would be cool. My hat is off to anyone that attempts to do the work getting one together. The logistics for a smaller event such as an invitational are easier to organize. Plus you have the right given by the red white and blue to choose who you invite. Besides losing that walleye fooling around trying to measure him I forgot to fly the flag Saturday as it was Flag Day. Anyway I appreciate the invite to fish at these events. Maybe instead of making a big open mega event a league like a fishing league would work better. It would limit the impact of a large group at once but allow every one to participate. It seems the BFT members want something more. I hope WH2 continues to have the invitaional. I think more members should look at the positive side of things and hold more of these. Both open or invitational. But the impact of a large event may make it difficult to hold at Willard Bay or any other location for that matter. Invitationals held amongst members lessen the chance of negative impacts happening and give the participants a chance to play at a more personal level. Fishermen getting to gather is all good. Now about that dang walleye getting away...............

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