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Gas prices
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: bobmad.gif]$4.899 per gallon here in the big OC. Do I hear $5.00?[Image: dumb.gif][/size][/#008000][/font]
We are up to $3.93 a gallon depending on the area, are you kidding about paying 4.89?
[Image: bobmad.gif][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]I only wish that I was kidding about the price. They claim [forecasters] that we will probably see $5.00 by the 4th of July. You know, we sell a lot of wheat to the Mid Eastern countries. Those same people from whom we get our oil. Well instead of charging them $7.00 a bushel we should triple the price for starters. Hell I can go longer without gas than I can without food. Lets see them squirm a bit about the price of food.[/size][/#008000][/font]
Wow, I had no idea the prices had risen so high in certain parts of the country. I agree with you about selling our wheat higher to offset the cost of gas. I think I would also take it one step farther and quit giving out all the foreign aid to all the countries that turn up their nose at us. It sure wouldn't take long to balance our national debt if we did not give away so much money[Wink].
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]What is that old expression about charity starting at home! About time we took care of problems on the home front.[/size][/#008000][/font]
Right on, that is the same way I feel[Smile].
I filled up at $4.33 and Diesel is at $4.99. $5 isn't a stretch anymore. $30.00 to fish my local lakes.[Image: bobmad.gif] Good thing I bass fish alot. Gas stays in the boat longer.
[quote Dryrod]Those same people from whom we get our oil. Well instead of charging them $7.00 a bushel we should triple the price for starters. [/quote]

tripple? better guess again, our mid section that grows the stuff has been bombarded by tornados and floods for weeks now.... dont you mean stop selling grain to them all together? there is now a world shortage of grain. after this years floods from all over the world, countries cant suport them selves grain wise let alone sell it on an open market.....[pirate]
before I forget, 4.49 here...

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