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Does, does, does !
This is getting a little ridiculous , does,does does !
I'm cutting it close , and not one horned animal has come by .
The first doe that showed up a yearling , no bigger than a german shepard , next came a bigger one two and a half maybe ?
Next , right under my stand a huge cow , I mean huge !
Each took turns giving me the eye but never went on alert . They feasted on acorns a bit as the daylight subsided , I decapped my gun and waited for them to wander off .
I know the deadline is fast approaching and this warm spell isn't going to last , maybe i'll bring the bow tomorrow ,at least there will be some meat in the freezer then .
Bring the gun and the bow... that way your covered.
that dosnt quite work, you think it would, and probably would if every one was honest.

when hunting deer with a bow you may not have a fire arm in possesion other than what is stated under laws governing "CCW"

I have the same luck down here, I can shoot any thing that walks by, but nothing will walk by during shooting hours, plenty before and plenty after....

cant say that the temptatation didnt eat at me, especialy with a bow and snow on the ground..
I watched the weather report lastnight and plans were to muzzle this morning and take the bow out in the evening before the cold snap came in at 7 p.m. .
I should have watched the morning weather report [blush] .
When I headed up to houghton lake this afternoon Clear Lake had 20' of shelf ice around it , on the way back it was completley iced over .
well that foot of snow we got last week is all but gone,

I told every one we had a 25% of a white christmas, they thought I was being goofy... 50 degree temps and rain set in around my place last night about 11pm, so heavy I had to park my truck on the side of the hill with the tail gate down to allow the back to drain...

when I got up this morning, no rain, no sun, no snow, no ice.... so much for my chances of getting a little bass for christmas this year...[Tongue]
Well we got about a foot of powder snow on the ground from the storm. With all the wind it's only inches in some spots and well over a 2 feet in others because of all the drifts.

No hunting for me next couple days...will be to busy with the rugrats tearing open gifts, christmas parties etc etc etc. Shouldn't be to hard to take a doe before the first of the year. They have been hitting my bait pile pretty good. Just waiting for something other than a yearling to stop by for a meal. See pics below of me blending in with the snow and dinner time for a couple of next years targets.

[url ""][Image: 32.jpg][/url]

[url ""][Image: 116.jpg][/url] [url ""][Image: 212.jpg][/url] [b][/b]
dose look encuraging, cool snow suit.

ya I know how them parties go, but I do have to admit, I look forward to taking down the germin imported tree every year [Tongue]
[center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=32056;][/center]
I went out yesterday to put in for a privet land anterless permit. I went to meijers. their machien kept kicking it back.

seems that the computer didnt want to except zone three privet land permits.... go figure.... I almost had two does over the weekend, they ran down the side of the road along side the truck... I realy didnt want to hit them, I already had a cow and a pig in the truck....
you all are hunting cows and pigs ..down state now hahahahahaha didnt know the season was open yet lol
next week the season opens up for gunies, rocky mountian white rocks, and roune ducks.....[:p]

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