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Will Obama Pull a Kerry?
Just wondering if Obama will pull a Kerry and pick clinton as a running mate?

Mckain couldnt be happier if he dose....

for if he dose, Obama may as well stand up and start screaming I want to take away your gun rights... Just like Kerry did in his campain.....

Or will he pick Edwards and go for the win?

Obama has been pretty entellagent so far, will he throw the game at the last minut and wain twards clinton's ploy to force him in to picking her as a running mate?

What do you think?
I could care less about Barack Obama. To me he is nothing more than a clown repeating what many democrats have said over the last few years.

There is no way he is winning the election.

McCain 100%. No questions asked. He is the only man for the job (not to say that a woman is not up to the job, just not the one running right now!)
I can see the sense for him to pick Edwards. Not Hillery. Every one is tired of the Clinton dynasty. It's all about them. [:p]
so long as you like high gas prices, the oil companies are the ones suporting the majority of republican re-elections this year...

good luck... I hope for your sake and every one elses if McCain wins your right, would hate to have to live another 8 years of poverty... 150 houses in my hood, "middle class" 30 are empty do to bank forclosures....

I remember Bush swearing up and down the economy was doing good while I watched my neighbors getting thrown from their homes....

"Bush had help" "the clintons" now we have toxic tomatos comming in from across the boaders....[pirate] any one want a taco now?
There is no way I am voting for Obama anymore. For a long time I was like, "Yeah Barry!", but now I'm seeing differently. I am in know way a racist or a biggot, as Sad as it is that I have to justify it, but I am not going to vote for a man who chants "Change" when in reality he is doing what many REPUBLICANS do by raising taxes for the middle class. He wants to issue a bill stating that if you make profit on say, a house, for example, the government will take 28% of your profit and use it as tax. That's bull crap becuase that 28% was probably used in the first place by the family owning the house to do renovations just so they could make a profit. Now they are being robbed and have to buy a house that is just as mediocre as the one they were living in, all becuase they had to give up over a quarter of their profit to the government. ON TOP of it all he wants to raise taxes by/to (either way its bad) 42% for the middle class and that's complete bullhonkey. I won't support him becuase I believe from the bottom of my heart that he is as Anti-America as someone can get. And no amount of fancy words and promises is going to get me to vote for him. I do not believe he is the answer, I do not believe this is a matter or race of religion as much as it is a matter of naivete. He cannot accomplish what he wants to accomplish, and by trying to he is going to stomp on many toes and do what our current president is doing, but he is going to use his charm to mind-screw us. There was once a man who chanted change and new prospects for his country, and his name was Fidel Castro. Obama will be our Fidel Castro if we vote him in. I am going to vote Republican, against what I normally believe in...Becuase, Obama will not suffice.

Sorry for the long-windedness,
Cody [Wink]

Oh and to answer your question, yes I believe (if obama wins) that he will choose CLinton as his VP. In his mind this would be another way to make people think things are changing, when in reality they are not. It is all a sham! Things will not change until we, the People, have the majoirty of the say in matters. No one person can run a country as screwed up as this. Gosh I hate Capitalism!!
There is no way that Obama will make it to the white house ask someone who supports him to give you some of his policies. They either wont know any or they will be so far to the left we might as well be communist. How could anyone in thier right mind believe this CHANGE garbage? OH YEAH DONT FORGET TO INFLATE YOUR TIRES THAT WILL SOLVE THE OIL PROBLEM!!
I felt the same way in the start of this race. But the more I see his policys the more it scares me. I'll support McCane because he's the better of the two on policys I believe in. I just hope we'er not looking at 4 years of Bush policys. Obama will tax us to poverty.
Scruffy, you make an excilent point.

[indent] "He cannot accomplish what he wants to accomplish,"
no president can with out the suport of congress and senant....

As much as bush and clinton and bush and reagon and nixon screwed up, they did not act alone, they had help.

I value your opinion, and beleive you me, I will agree with you 100% if he selects the other clinton as a running mate... It is a fact the last clinton sold this country out, and the bush after would not repeal the nafta law because it was good business for the mega wealthy...

as far at paying taxes on the sale of your house, you have to now, In michigan it is about 30%. That is unless you are ford motor corp or can write off the sale as a loss. "if ya catch my drift" so who ever said boo to ya, did a good job of putting the willies in you on that issue....

as far as obama is concerned, if you are making 50k a year, you are not middle class, you need to be making in the hood of 200k + before you start seeing taxes..

mcane is advertising in michigan stating that obama is going to tax the electirc to your house. Obama says he is going to tax the grossly exagerated proffits of the oil companies to whom we still are giving billions in grants and tax breaks to.... he also stated he is going to tax the proffitier speculators who are driving up the oil prices..."the same people who own the oil companies"

but this is my opinion, I am sticking to it. but if he has to pick up clinton then you know all is not right in the world. she after all is a convicted fellon, scam artist, scamed millions in false realestate deals in arkansaws. never paid a dime back, nor faced charges for it either....
I will wait to see who he picks for vp before I will make my desision.....

I honestly beleive obamas life aint worth a plugged nickle if he picks clinton....

any one remember when the last clinton took office? with in 6 months he was under enditement for murder one of for the witness of that realestate scam....

just to remind ya, the apple dont rot vary far from the tree[Image: sleepy.gif]

but one thing I can say for sure, neither side has stepped one bit to come up with a way to getting the working poverty out of the hole our government has put them in......

here is a year where a third party would pull ahead, yet no media coverage at all for them..... WONDER WHY?[Image: scaredworried.gif]
You make a great point DaveT. Congress has let all the pres get away with alot of wrong decisions. Can you think what we could do with just 1 billion of over seas aid here at home. How about aid to the elderly so they will be warm this winter? Bigger tax cut for the working man? Fix the bridges that are in dire need of repair. Lets all think of that when we vote in our congress next time.
I am with that....
Quote:with in 6 months he was under enditement for murder one of for the witness of that realestate scam....

this is a total falsehood

think of how much we'd have if we hadn't spent 550 billion on this war !

According to a [url ""]Congressional Budget Office[/url] (CBO) report published in October 2007, the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost taxpayers a total of $2.4 trillion dollars by 2017 when counting the huge interest costs because combat is being financed with borrowed money. The CBO estimated that of the $2.4 trillion long-term price tag for the war, about $1.9 trillion of that would be spent on Iraq

yeah then think about 2.4 trillion total! and im sure that will triple....

Makes me sick to think about it. See we can agree on something SM.[cool] Now if our great congress can reach across the divide instead of following party lines, we might be on the right track to fix things.
every time our government prints money to do stuff like this it deflates the value of the american dollar,

it is invented money, not money taken out of circulation. the same goes for every time they give a major corporation a tax break, it is money the government has to print to put in to circulation further deflating the american econnomy.

as far as clinton and the murder case of the witness to the white water scandle, he was never realy formaly charged, he was the number one suspect. how ever he and his wife were found guilty of the white water scandle. they are convicted fellons... as penelty they were tossed off the bar in arkansaws and no longer alowed to pratice law....
Anyone convicted of a felony should be barred from ever holding public office. The people making our laws should not consider themselves exempt from them, nor breakers of them in such a blatant way.

As far as the cost of the war, that's what makes me sick too. There are people in Africa dying by mass genocide, starvation, AIDS, etc. and BEGGING us for help, yet we give them pocket change. Then, we go and spend over a trillion dollars to 'help' people in Iraq who for the most part do NOT want our help, and do not want us there. Sheesh!

That money could have ended global hunger, could have given free healthcare to everyone in the US, given free college education to everyone, or a million other beneficial uses. Budgets are cut in federal programs as well as state govt.s due to the slow economy, yet we spend more and more wasteful money to fund an invasion that should never have happened in the first place. Arghh!
And I suppose you believe in free health care too, another Clinton, oh, I mean Obama kool aid drinker.
Those from Iraq were begging for our help when Bush 1 did not finish the job he started out to do. If he had finished the job we would have been out of Iraq 4 years ago. I just just pray our great country doesn't fall for this ploy of change that Obama is pushing.
Free healthcare does have its pluses, however I'm Undecided on that one.

Bush 1 was much smarter than his son. Perhaps he didn't continue because he foresaw what has happened in Iraq since W went in.

I agree the Obama camp keeps chanting change, but they are skimpy on the details. We'll have to see what this 'change' is exactly. I have several concerns with Obama, for example his views on gun control. However, invading other countries and causing thousands of deaths of our troops and Iraqi citizens in a 'pre-emptive' attack really goes against my moral compass. What if North Korea, Iran, or even Russia decided that we were a threat (noone denies WE have weapons of mass destruction), and decided to attack us preemptively? It's a very slippery slope.
Your no fun, not even a rise out of you[Wink]. But I still think the majority of the people of Iraq are happy we came and gave them liberty, I know the Kurdish folks are very happy about it.
I love talking politics, even heated debates, but in a respectful way. You'll have a hard time getting a rise out of me. Sorry to spoil the fun. [cool][Smile][:p]

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