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Oneida Narrows Tips?
I am heading up to the narrows this weekend and was hoping for some tips...I know the lake has a ton of carp, but I was hoping for some info on the eyes and small mouths. Looking for locations and presentations. Thanks for any help you can offer.
Are you going to be fishing the Narrows (River) or the Lake? When I fish the lake I usually stay around the dam area for the "eyes". As far as the river is concerned, I have caught fish up and down that stream for many years, with a few noted "honey holes" that hold some BIG Browns and some really nice Smallies. I guess it all depends on where you are fishing and what you are after. I have not been there ALL year and I am kicking myself as we speak!!! I will be up there here shortly after the wife give birth to our first here in the next couple days. Reply back to this or shoot me a PM and I will get a little more specific. If I dont reply then she probably went into labor so forgive me!!! Let me know how you do either way!!!
i dont fish the oneida dam but i do know the narrows (bear river below dam) the river has been very high flows lately (anywhere from 1207-1190 cu ft/sec) so some honey spots are kinda swamped out but still landing some nice fish!!!
Thanks for the info, what do you catch out of the river? Any ideas on what to throw at them?
you can pick up on some nice browns like "trout slayer" said you can catch some eyes on the river if you stay above the dam and just below the dam. you also can get small mouths and bows i use tube jigs for the bass night crawlers on a water bobber works well and your spinner's, bright's when its clear and darks when its murkey and muddy. as for fly fishing, i dont try when its this high but prince nymphs #12 work good black wholley buggers work well and the holloween colors whooley buggers and just what is hatching right now grass hoppers are working good in the slower parts of the river....
Thanks for the info, the trip is getting put off till the 13th but I cant wait to get out there and put your advice to good use.[Image: bobwink.gif]

If your fishing wooly buggers or better yet a black maribou streamer make sure they are weighted. Like with dumbell eyes or cone head. Cast them 3/4 up and across - tight line them across the current and throw a roll into the line or a jig motion but keep a tight line so it doesn't sink into the weeds. Killer on the narrows.
directly below the dam Trout_Slayer and i have caught walleyes. him bouncing night crawlers on the bottom, and me on a fly rod believe it or not. walk along the fence to as close to the dam as you can, look across yhe river and oyu will see a nice pocket of slack water. thats where we were casting to, but be warned, the reason that water is slack there is because of a rock pile and a massive weed bed. a little bit lower down the river to where the cable cart is i have picked up some gorgeous rain bows on both the fly rod (royal wulf with a prince dropper) and bouncing the crawler along the bottom. from there we work our way down to red rocks camp ground. there is a gigantic under cut and a huge slack water pool right along there. i have hooked one GIGANTIC (i would guess 6+ lbs) brown on a wolly bugger. Trout_Slayer and our uncle were there, he ws a witness but as TS says if you dont touch the fish it doesent count, this one came unbuttoned less then 18 inches from my uncles hands, hes the one that guessed the weight. also in this slack water, there are some monster, and i mean the type tha night mares (or dreams depending on how you look at it) carp in this pool.

now from here we fish from the CG parking lot tossing towards the other shore. we usually walk around the big pool and continue to hit the opposite bank. once the river bends the other way there is another sweet spot right off the river pont. this is where TS has caught and landed some of the nicest SMB he has ever seen. all with bouncing a crwaler along the bottom. i have hooked and landed thousands upon thousands of rainbows here, and only one brown. next spot we hit is the bridge that crosses the river right near the CG. TS has landed (ill look for the pic tonight, but be warned there is some dude in the background "relieveing: himself) an absolute gorgeous brown from right near the bridge pillars. on the other side of the bridge i have caught plenty of fat rainbows.

we then make our way down to what we call the boulder field. you cant really miss it. it looks like the deepest, slowest moving part of the river. and it is dang deep. now again i have caught plenty of rainbows here, and last time i was there tangles with something HUGE but never saw it..... i would guess a carp simply based on the fact that is "sucked" my wolly bugger up and dident hit it.

from there we go down to the water pipe. oh i forgot to mention, we always wade, but once the water picks up i dont dare go out there.... anyway, again i was with TS when he hooked the prettiest brown i have ever seen. there is sort of a rock dam directly under neath the water pipe, and this is also where you start to tangle with the white fish. if i had kids this is where i would take them depending on water flows. you can catch a billion of these white fish here.

lastly i follow the river down across the road, and there is an old white bridge with a parking area just below it. there is sort of a rock cliff that extends out about 75 feet into the water, and even at high flows the water is not mroe then 3 feet deep that i ALWAYS fly fish. the rock cliff would be on the utah side of the river (south) if you can visualize it. i have never seen anyone hook a brown down here an come to think of it never fished it with my brother either, i have always been by myself here. anyway... this is the place where i caught and landed the only LMB i have ever caught out of the bear river. again as with any where its loaded with rainbows. i hear where the river flows out of the canyon and into the farm lands is where the big brows hide, and have seen pictures at La Tienda. alot of this water flows through private property, but i have yet to be denied access when i go up and ask. as a matter of fact the people who own the land where the river flows under the highway bridge are some of the coolest people i have ever met. there only stipulation was i do not drive on their land, leave trash, or mess with the cows (common sense stuff).

sorry this go so long winded. the narrows is someplace my dad has taken TS and i since we were like 5 years old, and to this day TS and i go when i get the chance to come home from being over seas, this post just stirred alot of fond memories and empty beer cans (in a trash bag in the back of the truck of course).

oh yea... i dont think i have EVER fished above the dam.
GREAT REPORT "KOCHANUT" i have lived in preston almost my whole life and i would agree that the narrows is a great place to take kids and family just to go and catch fish and have fun.... i have a website i go to to check out the river flows lately they have been keeping it open causing lots of water flow this is the link here..

i always check it out before heading up the narrows just to look and see what im up against.....
Thanks alot for the info.... You and your bro have been extremly helpful. I will be up there the weekend of the 13th and will let you both know how I did. When you come bcak we should all get together and do some fishin. I'll buy the beer!
You are buying the beer????? Uhhhh Ohhhhhh you better have deep pockets for us two, beer swillowing hooligans!!! For sure though, when Zak (kochanut) gets back we can hit up the Narrows or where ever there is fish!!!
Sounds Good!

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