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showdown sonar
has anyone used this vertical ice fishing sonar. If so what do you think of the operation.
Just buy a Vexilar and be done with it.[Wink]
I had the chance to try the showdown last winter i'll keep my Fl 20 vexilar it's much easyer to drag around and you don't have to worry about the screen freezing up when it's not in use...

my.02 worth ..
[Wink] Buy a Vex , and be with the best !!

I am still using my 1980's bottom line

it spends most of the season in the case and in the house.

at the time it was top of the line. fish finder bottom finder and vex all in one. the deal was it is like looking at a pong game.... conect the dots if ya know what I mean....

once I have a spot, I seldom go looking for others....

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