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What is love? What is sex?
This I got form the website
[url ""][/url]

This surprised me and it is to me a wise article everyone should know about the difference between sex and love.

[font "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#ce912f][size 4]WHAT IS LOVE?

[/size][/#ce912f][/font] [font "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#6d5444][size 2]There are countless beautifully written essays, letters and poems that describe "love" in touching and eloquent ways. There are an equal number of cold and scientific research studies on "love". Yet today most people are probably more Confused than ever!

We apologize if our description lacks the eloquence of other writings. However you need to be able to understand what love is. You need to be able to think intelligently about love. And you need to recognize love when it exists. And you need to recognize when "it" really isn't love at all!

And so we give you a simple concept. Don't underestimate this definition. You must totally grasp and be able to think with this definition. Your future happiness may well depend on it!


Love is "an intense, affectionate concern for another person." [American Heritage]

Please note it is a concern and not a desire or need. You may also have a desire but that desire is not love. A need is not love. It is not about self. Love has to do with the other person. Just remember that it is "An intense, affection concern for another person."

[/size][/#6d5444][/font] [font "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#6d5444][size 2][font "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#333333][size 2]WHAT IS SEX?

[/size][/#333333][/font]We could provide a formal definition but the simplicity is that sex is that activity necessary to procreate and keep the species alive. Most people find that it is a pleasurable activity and, of course, must be or the activity would not occur and the species would die out.

Most people feel that sex is an excellent means to express love but it otherwise really has little to do with love. Sex obviously exists completely devoid of love. There is solo sex. There is prostitution. There is pornography. And there is casual sex and promiscuity. It is just too obvious that a lot of sexual activity occurs without any connection to love at all!

People collapse "love" with "sex" and it gets complicated. It isn't complicated. Sex is sex and love is "an intense affectionate concern for another person".

Even though in an ideal romantic relationship love and sex would both be present, you must be able to differentiate the two.[/size][/#6d5444][/font][font "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#6d5444][size 2][font "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#333333][size 2]

From The Way to Happiness

[/size][/#333333][/font]Unfaithfulness on the part of a sexual partner can heavily reduce one's survival. History and the newspapers carry floods of instances of the violence of human passions aroused by unfaithfulness. 'Guilt' is the milder evil. Jealousy and vengeance are the greater monsters: one never knows when they will cease to sleep. It is all very well to speak of 'being civilized' and 'uninhibited' and 'understanding'; no talk will mend ruined lives. A 'feeling of guilt' is nowhere near as sharp as a knife in the back or ground glass in the soup." [/size][/#6d5444][/font]
one person's stupidity...........

yeah.. personally.. i dont think love and sex are ENTIRELY correlated.

I think kissing and love has a stronger bearing...

you can have one night stands with anyone... but passionate kissing is usually saved for those you love.

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