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Most Famous People I have met

[ol][li]you may only post one at a time and you must wait till at least one other person has posted one before you do your next one...[/li][li]You have to have at the vary least said two words to them...[/li][li]tell how you met...[/li][li]Local famous people count...[/li][li]one bonus point if you have a pic of you with him/her[/li][/ol]
Winner is the last one to post the most.

What dose the winner get, "at the vary least, bragging rights"

hears the prize,

[left]One winner for the most posted

[left]One winner randomly drawn from all entries


[left]Gunuine hand crafted leather Big Fish wallet.
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one of the writers of the original Lone Ranger radio show braudcasting out of detroit michigan.

[center]June Buyers

[left]she tought acting classes[/left]
[left]she ran a antque shop selling a manajory of historical items. including toys and candy along with running a duck pond for the kiddies to feed.[/left]
[left]She is responcible for maintainging one of commerce twp most notable parks long before it ever became a park.[/left]
[left]people came from all over the country to visit the Buyers Farm[/left]
[left]I stumbled in to her place back in the 70's, I did some volunteer clowning work at her events, We had become friends for nigh over 30 years before she passed.
[left]She would share with me about things of her youth when she was a glamer model, and history of what the area was like back in those days.
[left]We sat and talked for hours...
[left]I was always welcome, cuz I only came to visit, and as she aged in her last days I lent a helping hand around the farm...
I met Demi Moore in Sun Valley ID coming out of a bar. She was very polite and looked very good(pre-GI Jane hair cut).
I cooked breakfast lunch and dinner for two days for Roland Martin last summer. It was fun to meet him. He had a lot of great fishing stories to tell. I wish I could have been his fishing guide. They were fishing private bass ponds. I also think they went to Jordanelle Res also. I really wish Al Linder would come out so I could pick his brain.
[center]Ed Cruse
[left]on the original Michigan Out of Doors weekly hunting and fishing show.
[left]Ed was the man who was canoeing down the river in the prelog to the show.
[left]Ed Was a fishing guid, he at one lead the entire Lions Foot ball team down the asabo river from grayling to tawas back in the 60's.Been down that trip my self back in the early 70's. Great trip if any one wants to try it. even part is a lot of fun...
[left]Ed also worked for King Fisher, a lure company, he made and tested proto types in the basement of his house. Yep, he had a full size swimming pool in the basement of his house.
[left]I met him one summer as a youth, He was transplanting 35 foot tall blue spruce from his back yard to his front yard and after that he needed some one to care for his trees while he was up in northern part of the state guiding.
[left]He showed me some of his lures, of wich he gave me a couple that never made it to the market. "sory, I cant tell what they are, only that they did work well for me" "wished I still had it" [Image: whistle.gif]
Patrick McMannus, I met him when i was much younger with my grandpa at a book signing. Back when i used to read[crazy], his books as well as Louis LaMore were my favorite. Now the Bass Pro and Cabelas catalogs is all i read.[angelic]
I met Michael Jordan at the Celebrity Golf Challenge in south shore tahoe. Snapped a few photos of him at the 13th tee as we exchanges pleasantries.
i met billy joel,in block island r.i.i owned a condo the,and was out for a few weeks fishing in october.not too many tourist there at that time,so at night there isnt much going on.i was at the showboat lounge haveing a few drinks.when he showed up and sat next to me.there were only 4 peaple in the took me a while before i reconized who he was.we shot the b.s for a couple hours,i bought him a few drinks,and he bought a few.he is a really down to earth guy,after he left i kicked my self for not getting pic,or autogragh from him
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]Here I am presenting Martina Navratilova with a check that she won playing in a tournament my company sponsored.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][inline "Guess who.JPG"]
I had season tickets to the Jazz for 15 years so I met Karl Malone a few times, He was really nice every time I talked to him, But the best one was when he had his store on 7th east 2100 south, I went in there to look at basketball shoes and he was there being mobed by a bunch of kids, so I just looked at some shoes, He walked up behind me and asked if he could help me, Shook my hand. I said I wanted to buy the same shoe he happened to be playing in, looked at my feet and said size 13? He was right! Said he'd be right back. He laced then up for me and put them on my feet!!! I couldn't believe that part! I had to buy them! He signed the shoes and the box, And gave me a signed hat for my wife saying that now I'd be safe after buying a hundred dollar pair of shoes! He was really funny, and gave all the kids autographed stuff... Will post pics later...

[Image: happy.gif][size 4][font "Garamond"][#008000]One night many years ago while working for Eastern Airlines [/#008000][/font][/size][size 4][font "Garamond"][#008000]I met this gal waiting at a stairway ramp leading to a flight marked [/#008000][/font][/size][size 4][font "Garamond"][#008000]for Miami. Thinking that she was a stewardess in civvies dead heading [/#008000][/font][/size][size 4][font "Garamond"][#008000]I started up a conversation. When I asked her for a date she had to decline since she lived on the west coast. I then realized that she was a VIP passenger [/#008000][/font][/size][size 4][font "Garamond"][#008000]and decided to back off. As I was leaving the area one of my associates [/#008000][/font][/size][size 4][font "Garamond"][#008000]said "so what did Gloria DeHaven [actress] have to say?" I met her again a few [/#008000][/font][/size][size 4][font "Garamond"][#008000]years ago where she was headlining at the Palm Springs Follies. Needless [/#008000][/font][/size][size 4][font "Garamond"][#008000]to say she didn't remember our encounter. Wonder why?[/#008000][/font][/size]
I met Garth Brooks this past summer. We live about a mile from each other but have never ran into him until this time.

We have a place in town that has those huge inflatable things that kids jump on and I was there with my 5 year old for her end of school party. Garth and Trisha were there with Garth's oldest daughter for her soccer teams party.

They were just standing over in the corner with no one paying any attention to him so I went over and talked to them. It was like we were old friends as we talked a good 20 minutes. This was about 3 days after he was on some country music awards show so we joked about that for a bit and chatted about his concerts around the world.

I told my son there that I had met him and he didn't see him. For an 8 year old to say I want to meet Garth was pretty cool, so we went back up to him. So then my son got to meet Garth, Trisha, and Garth's daughter Taylor.

[Image: UswithGarth.png]

This pic is my wife and I with him. Trisha snuck away before we could get her in the photo.
Well all others are nice But i meet Ted Nugent,BIG Jim Teds Wife & Teds Son ,Along with eric bischoff son all while staying a few days at Ted guest house in Texas Yup i got pics and only on my website where theres a gew & many more to be posted soon. O and look for me soon on TV with Ted Nugent on Teds New Show coming soon real soon.

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[Image: happy.gif]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]Still working for EAL as a fueler I pulled my tanker on the starboard side a[/size][/#008000][/font][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]nd while exiting the truck I passenger walked up [in those days’ passengers[/size][/#008000][/font]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]departed from a stairway as automated loading tubes were not invented yet] a[/size][/#008000][/font][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]nd said hi I’m VP Richard Nixon and offering his hand said I would would just like to say hello to you guys.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]That was impressive.[/size][/#008000][/font]
I have met and fished with the Saltwater Legend Dan Hernandez. I am in a few of his videos as well.[cool]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Still working for EAL, one evening as I was passing the VIP sitting area I noticed a woman reading a book and lying at her feet her dog looked like it was sleeping. As a fairly accomplished mimic of sounds I barked like a yapping dog at which time the woman looked up and said in a thick German accent “Did you disturbed my dog?” much to my surprised I said “I terribly sorry Ms Detrick [Marlina Detrick the actress] for disturbing you and your pet. Boy did I leave in a hurry.[/size][/#008000][/font]
I met Sylvester Stallone in Park City in 1996 while celebrating my 21st birthday.

He overheard my friends and I toasting and he came over and asked who's birthday it was. Once he found out that it was my 21st he invited us to join his group. We ended up clubbing around Park City with him all night long, and he would not let us pay for a thing.

Very nice guy, and a very rememberable birthday.
Braz, that would be a blast partying with Sly!![cool]
[center][Image: happy.gif][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]Prior to retiring from Philip Morris I was privy to attend a number of functions that brought me in contact with several celebrities. On one such occasion my late wife and I were sitting in our companies suite at the Marlboro 500 held in Ontario, Ca. Since we were the prime sponsor we were located right on the starting line and next to our suite were the celebrities. My wife noticed George Hamilton [actor] whom she had a crush on and asked me to sneak a picture of him. Well I went to the rail separating out suites and asked George if he would pose with my wife for a picture. So he says “Come on over here Mary, your husband wants a photo of us. She nearly flipped out. BTW here is a picture of them.[/size][/#008000][/font][font "Times New Roman"] [/font]

[inline mgm500.jpg]
[center][font "Garamond"][#808080]Excuse color distortion.[/#808080][/font]
I was a police officer in Dublin Ohio. During the infamous Muirfield Golf tournament back in the early 80's. I was patrolling when I got behind a car that was weaving. I thought it best to pull the car over and check out the driver to be sure they were not DUI. I stopped the car, walked up to the window and asked the driver for his license. Lo and behold it was a very unhappy Jack Nicklaus !! He was the head and the host of the tournament, and I didn't bother to check him any further. Imagine arresting the head and leader of the famous golf tournament that was in progress !! I guess the elite like to party as much as anyone else. I bid him a good evening and we went our separate ways.
Ohio Rusty

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