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viagra and Carp?
I just thought I would share this article with the forum. It gave me a good laugh! Here's an exerpt;[cool]

<Recently, several female swimmers near the American Fork boat harbor were mobbed by excited carp. Although no one was injured, the swimmers reportedly were "totally barfed out.">

Check out the article at the link below;[Wink]

[url ""][/url]

that article is pretty funny i used to have a dog that was a crotch hound but this is the frist i heard of crotch carp ! LOL

I just hope that stuff doesn't get into Pinview. I can just imagine having a pack of sexually frustrated 50" sharp tooths chasing down your girlfriends.

It's a really stiff molecule." says Ima Woody, spokesperson for the research team

Lets see those big toothy gars from the other post get some of these little blue magic pills.

Keep FB2 and TD out of there tubes. We might never see them again, or at least never see them they way we did before [Wink]
"Reported to by [#ff0000]E. Recht[/#ff0000][#000000]" [sly][/#000000]
[cool]So, you think I might be at risk in my float tube, amongst all those frisky carp, huh. Lemme tell ya, I ain't worried none. I know how to deal with IN-VIAGRA-ATED CARP. Here's what happened to the last one that tried to get fresh with me.

[Image: SCOU1712CustomImage224769.jpg]

Actually, this pic was shot as a promotion for the benefits of catch and release. I always advocate releasing your catch alive and unharmed so that others may enjoy the sport too. A fine fish is too valuable to be caught only once.

I suspect that this fine specimen may have been handled a bit roughly and perhaps did not survive to play again. Let's see Viagra get this guy back "up".

Lake will probably drop pretty fast now. Every body will be getting there drinking water straight from the lake. Lookout women won't just be carp after you before long.
I wasent saying the carp should scare you. I said those toothy crtters.....the gator gars would get ya if they got some of the little blue pill. I know your a big guy TD but I think even a gar might be able to take ya [sly]
[cool] You have an interesting name...oh intimidator of fishes. Me, I don't know the meaning of the word FEAR.

Then, of course, there's a lot of words I don't know the meaning of.

No need to worry about my mother's son challenging those big nasty critters. I believe that discretion is the better part of cowardice. In a battle with an alligator gar, even the winner would likely sustain some damage.

I did have a big sea turtle try to get "up close and personal" one time, while float tubing in the salt, down in Mexico. I couldn't figure out how to say "I have a headache" in Spanish. In that same area I have also had some sea lions act like they wanted to play. But they were females and youngsters, so that was different.

Teroy you missed the name of the person who wrote the article.
Tube you the fishing man we all here love ya but young female sea lions? you got me a little worried there buddy.


I did however have a tiger muskie at pinview decide to swim thought my legs while on a tube once. Little worried :}
Just wanted you all to check out this part of the site that talks about the carp and viagra

[url ""][/url]
Quite the story


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