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I just purchased a Flat back canoe and would like to find a cheap gas motor (2hp-7hp) with a short shaft. Does anybody know where I could possibly find something? I live in the Ogden area. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
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I'm selling a 2007 6 horse, Nissan 4-stroke, jsut upgrading to a 9.9 electric. asking $1,000.00 if your interested.
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Yeah, I have been looking on there everyday. I've got a about a $200 limit so something nice will be hard to find.
Sorry, can't afford that Nissan. But thanks for the offer.
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Have you concidered the electric route. i know there are alot of waters that have horsepower/gas motor restrictions. that way your boat fits the power restrictions and your budget. plus if you set up your system right you would not have any trouble trolling other larger bodies of water for long periods of time. [fishin]
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I agree with Flanders the electric is the way to go. You should have no problem getting an used electric motor, so the only issue would be a good battery to go with it. For what you want to put it on, weight could be an issue, so the bigger gas motors might be a problem. A gas motor like the gas-n-go type would be perfect but as you have found out, a used one might be had to come by. When I had a small aluminum(12') boat I used an electric motor to fish the smaller lakes like causey, lost creek, porcupine, even Strawberry and it worked fine for up to four hours depending on the speed. A canoe would work even better because of the less water resistance. Just a thought, in case you haven't already decided to go gas only. I even have a smaller electric motor you could borrow if you want to try one.
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Great Idea!
When is the Swap Meet at the Motor View ?
There are a few on KSL that need some work for $50-$100, but I have no idea how to work on outboards. Maybe I'll pass by some pawn shops or thrift shops and see if they have anything.
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They have the swap meet the first thing sat and sun morning. I'm not sure what time it starts but I'm thinking 8am[:/]. I've seen them at pawn shops, I bet you could call them up just to save all the driving around. Good luck.
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Matt, I too would go with gas because of the controll in the wind and the battery issue!! I hope you find what your looking for? It will be tough @ 200$!