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another burgler to sue his victom
[Image: x.gif][/url][Image: 1124962.jpg][Image: x.gif][Image: x.gif] Brendan Fearon [Image: x.gif] [Image: x.gif] [Image: ttl_MoreonThisStory_links.gif] [Image: cnr_businesstopright.gif] [Image: x.gif] [Image: x.gif] [url "javascript:makeRemote('/skynews/videoconn/0,,p2_20030613qn-30100,00.html',320,440)"][Image: btn_video_colon_bn.gif][#0000ff]Burglar To Sue[/#0000ff][/url] [#0000ff][Image: x.gif][/#0000ff] [#0000ff][Image: x.gif]

SHOT BURGLAR TO SUE [Image: x.gif]A burglar who says he cannot enjoy sex after he was shot and injured by Tony Martin has won the right to sue the jailed farmer for damages.


Brendon Fearon, 33, successfully asked a judge at Nottingham County Court to overturn an earlier decision that threw out his claim.

Fearon will sue Martin for a reported £15,000 following his wounding during a break-in at the farmer's home in Emneth Hungate, Norfolk, in August 1999.

During the burglary Martin shot dead Fearon's accomplice, 16-year-old Fred Barras, of Newark, Nottinghamshire.

Fearon claims that his injuries, which included a leg wound, have affected his ability to enjoy sex and martial arts and that he has suffered post-traumatic stress.

He claims he cannot even watch shoot-outs on television or in movies because of the memories of the incident.

Fearon was jailed for his part in the raid on Martin's home and has more than 30 criminal convictions.

He has been granted legal aid to mount his claim for damages.[/url] [Image: x.gif] [Image: x.gif] [Image: 1115824.jpg][/url] [Image: x.gif] Tony Martin
[Image: x.gif] [Image: x.gif] [Image: x.gif]

Malcolm Starr, a friend and campaigner for Martin, said: "This is disgraceful and means yet more public money will be wasted on this claim.

Tony expected this to happen, because of flaws in the law that must now be addressed."

Mr Starr added: "Public opinion must be at boiling point. People will be gobsmacked that the law can be so wrong."

Earlier this year, Fearon, of Newark, was told that he had failed to provide sufficient evidence to support his claims that he has been unable to work because of his injuries.

But the judge who made today's ruling said the mistakes of Fearon's solicitors should not prevent him getting his case for compensation heard in a court of law.

The judge also pointed out that the case has a great deal of public interest concerning the rights of both householders and trespassers.

Henry Bellingham, Tory MP for Martin's constituency in Norfolk, said: "I feel very strongly that no criminal should have any right after he has broken into a property - all legal rights should be left outside the property that was burgled."[/url]
These stories always infuriate me, How idiotic can people get!!!

Hate to say it but, someone needs to spend a bit more time at the range or pull the trigger a few more times!! Then when the police ask, "How come you shot him 6 times?" he can answer "I didn't have time to reload!" and litagation becomes a non-issue!

TheAngler BFT Moderator
I bet that farmer learns to take head shots only insted of leg shots.

like my grand daddy always said, if your going to shoot your gun shoot to kill, a dead man laying on the floor inside your house posess no arguments.
i agree with you guys 100% . theres one heck of o lot of places to go to for help if you need it . there is no reason to steal . [mad]

my feeling is they balanced the risks involved BEFORE doing a b & e . financial gain or death . once they have assumed the risk involved , there s___ outa luck if shot . [pirate]

i have always had the firm belief that once someone is convicted of a crime that there rights are gone , hard labor on the chain gang .

truth is , criminals have more rights then there victoms do .

$40,000 a year to house these criminals or a buck-fiftey for a twelve gauge slug . call me MR. Cheap [Wink] .
i HEAR YA THERE BUDDY BOY!! this alos reminds me of when i pulled a john wayne. haha god it felt good. hahaI MEMBER WHEN MA WAS IN THE HOSPITAL AND THE STATE WOMAN AND MY AUNT WAS AFTER THE HOUSE TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME AND CLIFF. THE BUZZARDS, I CALLED EM. AND TOLD THE JUDGE THAT TOO. SHE LAUGHED/ IT WEREN,T BAD ENOUGH CLIFF AND I WAS GOIN THRU HELL KNOWIN MA WASN,T COMIN BACK OUT, but when i was goin to work they were breakin in the house tryin to find ma,s will. well, one day, had a feelin that mornin so i stayed home.heard the phone ring, didn,t answer, well within 15 minutes my mothers sister and that state broad pulled in the drive way,. well hahaha they turned around real good when they see i had the shotgun layin cross my lap and proceeded to tell em dont screw with me again and don,t come up here again,. haha they didn,t! haha funny they didn,t mention that in probate. haha i had got the will out the house so they had not a leg to stand on. hahahahahaha but they got my point. haha
i agree!!!!! those 2 are lucky i didn,t set in the house waitin fer em! they was stealin ma,s stuff. what ever they wanted. takes balls don,t ya think?? no wonder i like my dog moren most humans. this dude was lucky it weren,t me he was dealin with. got,s so,s though ya can,t protect your own, and that makes me hot! well i will no mattere what. my gramp said too ya don,t point it less your ready to use it, nad that,s the truth!!

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