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drumking, chickamauga, bass, 6/29/09, alone
I know that you aren't going to believe this, but I actually got out before dawn this morning to topwater bass fish. I stayed until a little after daylight fishing for bass. Hooked 3 on topwater and one on a drop shot worm. I missed about 3 or 4 on topwater and a few times the fish came up out of my casting range. When the sun peaked over the ridge at 6:50, that was it for the topwater bite. I then decided to go to a deep water spring and throw crappie jigs. I caught 3 yellow bass doing that before deciding to quit and go home for breakfast.<br /><br />There was a wnw wind this AM and enough chop on the water to make it hard to see the bass when they came up. They really didn't do a lot of crashing on the surface. I caught 2 bass on 10' casts. The fish came up right beside the boat and I just dropped the topwater bait on top of them and wham. Fish on. It was fun for a diversion. I threw a dropshot rig for just a few minutes and caught 1 bass on a 4" worm. All the fish were small today.<br /><br />Water temp was 85 degrees. Felt like warm bath water when I put my boat back on the trailer. I might fish for an hour every morning this week for those TW bites. I can be back home before a lot of people get up. emoBigSmile emoGeezer

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