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Gun rights under attack
[Image: bobmad.gif]
[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 5]YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN HERE!
HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][#004080][size 5][/size][/#004080][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 5][/size][/black][/font][black][/black]
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[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 4]Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1].
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]This is the Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act of 2009[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1].
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]We just learned yesterday about this on the Peter Boyles radio program.
Even gun shop owners didn't know about this because it is flying under the radar..[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]To find out about this - go to any government website and type in HR 45[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1] [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]or Google HR 45 Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sales Act of 2009. You will get all the information.
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[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]
Basically this "little" piece of legislation would make it illegal to own a firearm - any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless:[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]
.It is registered[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4].You are fingerprinted[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4].You supply a current Driver's License[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4].You supply your Social Security #[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4].You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4].Each update - change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25
- [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][#c00000][size 4]Failure[/size][/#c00000][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4] to do so you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail.
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Guns must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18.

[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][#c00000][size 4]The[/size][/#c00000][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4] [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][#c00000][size 4]Government[/size][/#c00000][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1] [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison.[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]
If you think this is a joke - go to the website and take your pick of many options to read this..
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][blue][size 4][url ""][/url]
[font "Verdana"][black][size 2]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]It is long and lengthy. But, more and more people are becoming aware of this. [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][#c00000][size 4]Pass[/size][/#c00000][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4] [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][#c00000][size 4]the[/size][/#c00000][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4] [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][#c00000][size 4]word along[/size][/#c00000][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4].

Any hunters in your family - pass this along.
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]Peter Boyles is on this and having guests. Listen to him on [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][#c00000][size 4]KHOW[/size][/#c00000][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4] [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][#bf005f][size 4]630[/size][/#bf005f][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4] a.m. in the morning.
[/size][/black][/font][font "Arial"][black][size 4]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]He suggests the best way to fight this is to tell all your friends about it and "spring into action".
Also he suggests we all join a pro-gun group like the Colorado Rifle Association, hunting associations, gun clubs JPFO ([/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]) [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]and especially the GOA and NRA..[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 5]
This is just a "termite" approach to complete confiscation of guns[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1] [/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 4]and disarming of our society to the point we have no defense - chip away a little here and there until the goal is accomplished before anyone realizes it.
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][red][size 2]YOU MAY NOT OWN OR EVEN LIKE GUNS, but if you LOVE FREEDOM, YOU better get involved NOW!!!
[font "Verdana"][black][size 4]
This is one to act on whether you own a gun or not.[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][black][size 1]
[/size][/black][/font][font "Verdana"][blue][size 6]The[/size][/blue][/font][font "Verdana"][blue][size 4] [/size][/blue][/font][font "Verdana"][blue][size 6]Second [/size][/blue][/font][font "Verdana"][blue][size 5]Amendment[/size][/blue][/font][font "Verdana"][blue][size 4]... .[/size][/blue][/font][font "Verdana"][blue][size 4] America's original homeland security [/size][/blue][/font][font "Arial"][black][size 2][/size][/black][/font]
[blush]look a few threads down my friend. I posted up the same article awhile back. [cool]I cetainly appreciate you bringing it up again because this kind of stuff is potentially a serious threat to our rights. I have yet to hear if anything came of it. Just another reason to support organizations like the NRA.

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