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digital tv
[center][pirate] sucks [pirate]
Why for come??[crazy]
I love mine. My issue is wheather or not I'll need to get a new antenna for it to work better[:/].
like W2 says, its the weather, when it rains in indianapolis my tv is on the blink here in michigan...

I had cable digital when it first came out some then years ago, and it had that problem then. That was why I got rid of it after my one year subscription....

Granted when it dose come in its great, but 90% of the time there is at least one chanel on the blits... talk about your russian rulett veiwing... I cant count the number of programs I have missed already since the start of this.

a new external entena "$500.oo if I do it my self"
the old tv reception "Priceless"

yesterday when I made the original post, I was trying to watch the news, the tv kept bleeping in and out every 3 seconds on every channel, I bearly heard something about an earth quake that killed people and it wasnt till today when I finaly found out where it was....

all we had yesterday was just a little bit of snow. Whats going to happen when we get those 3-4 day rains? Is my first warning going to be when I see my chickens doing the back stroke past my window?

I think it is irresponcible for the government to allow[#bf0000][#bf0000][size 5]/[/size][/#bf0000][/#bf0000]force a defective product on consumers. they need to get this problem addressed because it is such a major sucurity and safty issue before putting it on line...

in the mean time my vidio library seems to be getting the dust knocked off due to more frequent use...

and dont tell me I should do something and turn the tube off, I am a multi tasker, Tv Internet and Craft project are going on at the same time in my house, Except when it\s dinner time, then mind your fingers during this feeding frenzy, especialy if there is gills fillets on the platter. [:p]...
You'll just have to start checking the weather online now.

Unfortunately, the weatherman is just as wrong online as they are on tv. [:p]
ya, I know what ya mean there too,

the closest I have found is NOWA, I can even get valcano reports there too...

Wich makes me wonder, dose valcanic action cause disterbances in fishing forcast? [crazy] I see a coreer in the makings there.. LOL [laugh] now all I need is a federal grant to find out... [sly]
One thing I heard but have not confirmed is that they, the TV channels, are not broadcasting at full strength because they are still broadcasting in analog. Someone needs to call a local channel to confirm this[Wink] but the channels might get clearer with less interference after they go to full strength digital. I sure hope so[:/].
me too,

I am holding off on the out side antena till after the change over, I am not looking forward to putting out 500.oo on something I cant reclame when I sell my house.
When I called Radio Shack, they said the antennas cost less that $200. Here is a web site that gives you an idea of what anntenas to buy.
[url ""][/url]
true, but there is the additional tower that you need to put it up on,

after checking the tv station, my antena has to be higher than the neigbors house, [Image: angry.gif] I am sitting in a hole on top of wich the two story houses on both sides of me blocks the signal going to my single story house.[Image: beaten.gif]

so I need an antena if the power boost dosnt work, along with a 40 foot tower and 60-75 foot of coaxial cable just to catch the 6 o'clock news to hear we are going broke...

I may have to have a directional motor system to boot, and those werent cheep either back in the day when we all were using ham radios....[Image: sleepy.gif]
Woo woo woo, that is way more than I had figured[:/], I sure hope I don't need all that stuff. I figured all I needed was the antenna and maybe a 15ft mast, I guess I'll take it one step at a time.
I am back to reaferm my privious statement.


I now have less chanels than I did before the change over, the channels that were bleeping in and out are gone, and the couple that were somewhat ok are now bleeping in and out on a good weather day. [pirate][mad]

there are times when I only have only channel bleeping in and out... [pirate]
im with you dave everytime it rains we lose reception..we were forced to chose it..
Well, I have just the opposite experience, since last we were talking about it. I put off doing anything until the last few weeks before the switch over. Then I went to Radio Shack and talked to the guy there, he recommended several options. The first thing he said was buy a new UHF/VHF antenna, second was buy a taller mast and last buy a signal booster. Well I bought the antenna first at a cost of $85, there was a cheaper one for $69, I put it together, put it up. Low and behold that took care of the problem and my reception went from crapy to unbelievable. I now pick up more than double the channels I picked up before and awesome reception. The guy told me that raising the antenna with a 15ft mast would also help but I don't need to do that now. The final piece of the puzzle is a booster if all else fails. If you guys have a Radio Shack in your area I would suggest you pay them a visit, they might just be able to help you too[Smile]!


brand new $100 HD amplified antena

no better reception, no extra channals

the channals missing are still missing...

In short, my opinion of HD TV has not improved either......
Well thats a bummer[frown], I guess you went through the alignment process? I know if you have tall trees near your house that can effect your reception, how high is your antenna above your house? A taller mast might help[:/]. I guess the amplified antenna is suppose to boost the signal? I hope there is something that will work but if you aren't picking up any channels that isn't good.
This is a gigantic CF!

There's nothing on tv - analog or digital worth watching anymore. Lucky to have kept my Netflix - cheaper too. Online viewing of the weather and news channels is superior.
not hight enuff, my house is only 20 feet high, my neighbors houses are 45 feet tall, the tree standing over my house is 100 feet tall....

the power transformer station is only a hundred and fifty yards away....[pirate]

I have gone from getting channels from 50+ miles away with indoor rabbit ears to not being able to get channels from 15 miles away. [Image: arg.gif]
I kept my netflix too,

I get only one movie a month,

I watch it over and over till I am sick of it, then ship it back... I have the goonies right now, been watching it every day for about 2 weeks now... dont plan on me returning it any time soon, [laugh]
by the way,

I am beginning to think this was all a scam put on by all the stations owning shares in the cable and satalite broadcasting market.

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