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Briggs and Stratton motor
I have a Biggs and Stratton 5 hp. motor on my 12' semi -v hull boat, and I can not get it to troll at less than 3-3.5 mph., we completely pass everybody by like they are standing still. Does anybody else have this 4 stroke motor and are you able to troll at lower speeds? Is there some kind of adjustment that I am missing?
If it runs good I would just get you a drift net or just throw a 5 gal bucket over the side while you are trollling. Thats what we did growing up and it works great. Plus its a lot cheaper than messing with your motor.

If you cant turn your idle down anymore I would mess with it. You'll get it to work great a one lake then it will run like crap at another with higher elevation.

Grab you a bucket and go fishin [Wink]
They make a troll plate that attaches to the cavitation plate and hangs down behind the prop. I can't remember the brand name. A boat shop should be able to fill in the blank for ya.
Thanks jj I will try the bucket till I find the trolling plate!

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