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LOL ! i do the same thing ! ducks and turtles ! the iddy bitty turtles , for the gators ( snappers ) we grab a branch , let them clamp on it then drag them across the road by there tails . takes a lot of practice , one wrong move and your in bigtime pain .
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hey flag how ya doin been fishin?? i haven,t since i been back. RELAXIN!!! HAHA THAT,S COOL. THEY MUST OF BEEN CUTE. I USE TO HAVE mallard back years ago fer pets. they were cute too. my rooster use to ride in basket on my bike when i was a kid. too haha he was cool. it fun to warch animals they can be so comical sometimes. when i was workin in claremont every mornin i,d go by this one farm and i,d have to wait fer mother goose and her tribe to cross the road to go to the pond. so cute. later
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the swan is doing fine. it is swinging around the lake.
to clean the shells the Squaws of the tribe fish the shells out of the bottom of the river, they crack them open with their stone tomihowks, then they suck out the mussle with their teeth for breakfast. then they lick any stuff left in the shell out with their toungs. and to tell the trouth they most likley find them on the river side already cleaned the same as I do up here. [center][sly][/center] [left]to clean a shell is not any different than prepairing oisters on the half shell. you cut them open with a nife use a dull butter nife to scrape the mussle loose.[/left]
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i,m so happy to hear it dave! that,s cool. do ya think she,ll stay there durin the winter with you or go now? that,s cool bout how she feed on the shells. i didn,t realize they could do that/ or they ate them. swans are so beautiful been seein hundreds of the canadian geese here. i hear em every mornin flyin to go to the pondd and at night they go back to the connecticut river. been deein moma and daddiy,s everywhere with the little ones with the down feathers on em. i,d love to bring them all home. haha thanks fer lettin me know bout her been wonderin. she must be good and fat with ya feedin her good all winter haha take care mare
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we've got a family of canadian honkers on a private pond up here , the kids are already half the size of the parents !