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Wild Horse Reservoir July 4th Report
[size 1][/size][center][size 5]Northeastern Nevada
July 4, 2003 [/size][/center] [center][size 5][Image: usa.gif][size 5][Image: nevada.gif][b][/size][/b][/size][/center] [center][size 5]Wild Horse Reservoir[/size][/center] [center][size 3][/size][/center]

[center][Image: wildhorseres.jpg][/center]

[size 3]Trout fishing is slowing down as the water warms up and the level drops. The water level has dropped another vertical foot in the last week, but the state park boat ramp is still in the water.Trout fishing is just fair, while perch fishing is good with anglers using chartreuse or white crappie jigs tipped with worms. Shore anglers have been doing well for perch off of the rocks just south of the state park boat ramp. Boaters have been catching perch in many spots with the favorites being at the mouth of the canyon and near the bridge going into the Hendrix arm. Bass fishing has been fair to good, fish structure (rocky shores) and use plastic gear. [#ff0000]You may keep one bass 15 inches or larger. [/#ff0000][/size]

[size 3]Nevada Department of Wildlife Report NDOW[/size][/center] [center][size 3][Image: bftn001.jpg][/size][/center]

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