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In-board or out-board
I noticed that most fishing boats have outboard motors. But I was wondering what the pro's and cons are for both. What is preferred?
well now you have 3 kinds of fishing boats to contend with.

in board

out board

and jet boats

I was at the boat show last year and I was amazed to see the numorus jet boats on the market. there was an ample supply of out boards available, vary few inboards at the show.

I guess the biggest difference is the cost of the labor on the motors.

weight is a major factor as well. being that inboards are usualy 350 chevy car motors. even the motors of the jet boats can weigh twin 65 hp mercurys

the jet boats are for them yuppies who want pull skiers and often run over weed patches and sand bars with out damaging props.

the inboards I have seen have mostly been on charter boats and hidroplanes.

Each one has its own area of practical uses, but seldom have I seen them overlap. at least by real fisherman.

being able to lift the props out of the water and drop in your trolling motors for me is the best use of motors available for fishing.

I am not an expert in this feild, just an observer, Thats all I can afford to do. lol [sly]
Hey, great observations! I'd love to hear more about that jet boat for river fishing. So far, I've only heard great things about it.

I suppose it's just as easy to get your line stuck in the prop of an inboard as it is an outboard and a trolling motor.

Hehe. Eventually I'll figure out how to avoid that with my friends new boat. [crazy]
longer rods are the only way to go for sneeking around the props. I like fishing off the back of the boat and now that I have my new BFT Clasic 30# trolling rod (available here at the BigFish Gift Shop) props are not even an issue any longer.

the jet boats start as much as a house, the watter passes through a chamber and the prop is protected, on the down side if the champer gets clogged with chopped weeds form outboard props good luck getting it out. they are built on a sinilar design as the pwc's (jet ski's)

for the most part they look like party boats with cusioned seats all the way around the sids from front to back. A real chick magnet, it looks likes some thing you would need stock in the turtle wax corp to own cause you will be constantly waxing the fiberglass finish and polishing the neophrene seets.

dont get me wrong, they are nice pleasure boats, and I would not mind owning one, but for fishng they need a major redesign to accomidates my needs.
LOL. Chick magnet boat. Maybe I should get one. Hehe.

A plush seat would be nice. My butt still hurts from last Friday, sitting on a 30 yr old wooden seat.

Thanks for the advice on the longer pole. My longest right now is a 6½' spinning. Eventually, as finances improve, I'm thinking about going 7' or maybe a little more. But for now, it works great for me.
I personally would like an outboard on my boat. mainly for maintanance purposes.


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