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Hunting this weekend
Well it looks like sunday will be about the best bet if the weather forcast holds true .
With all this rain and winds the deer will be hunkered down , come sunday they will be moving around and I plan on being there for them .
I guess I'll wet a line in the afternoon , take the youngster out for her trick or treating and dream about a big ol' buck walking to my stand .
It's tarsal hanging time !!!
Try as I might, I just could not get out this weekend.

lost an old dear friend all saints eve...

funeral tomarow morning....

maybe one day this week I might be able to get out. I am thinking lapear county this time, Privet land deal if ya know what I mean...
I take it you didnt have any luck,

I attended the funeral monday, a nice quaint proceeding, all went well with exception to the proccession to the burial site. I could not beleive that someone would have no respect for the passing of another soul that they would be in so much of a hurry they attempted to cut in to a funeral procession...

hope to get out today, if things go well I can report, at least tell you how the weather was.... lol
Some people just don't have any respect .
Sorry about your freinds passing .
On the weather I saw the first flakes falling this morning on the way to the job , it won't be long now .
I'm still gathering wood to help save on fule costs , i'm hoping to make it threw the winter on one tank of propane if I can .
There is only gtoing to be one guy at deercamp this year because nobody else has time off from work . This is the first time since I don't know when that that has happened .
Good thing about it is I get to take my youngest out for her hunt , I'm really looking forward to doing that .

we didnt get out till afternoon, we had to do some day care work till ma got home, Entertainment was a breeze, fresh halloween popcorn balls and Marry Poppins in the vidio player we got to sit back and watch the murcury not clime out of the 40s... [:p]

soon is not soon enuff when it comes to hard water fishing.. lol
theres a long spell between the end of november and first ice the last week of january.... "what we been getting the last cople years"

any way, most of the crop feilds are down already, that should help to get the deer moving right along on their way and get rid of a ton of hiding places.. But that means more road deer kills..

Thats right, its road kill season, time to pull my cookbook back out....[:p]
Bring your saw..I got about half truck load of maple in the back yard I need to get out of the yard before winter
Dang , I should have stayed the night at deercamp .
Mike won't be up till next week and i had a rod at the cabin .
I might make another run over this next weekend .
I could run the chainsaw up if ya' need that wood cut .

Sholder hit a 8 point this morning , the brodhead broke right off and left the arrow bent , no deer !

Sighted in the rifles today , the 270 is dead on at 100 yds and 300 yds. The 243 is off 1" to the left at 300 yds but I think that is due to the trigger being a little stiff when I pull .
Gotta get the muzzleloader zeroed in this week .
I got out yesterday yesterday with the bow,

sat out for the second half of the day, first half the frost was about half inch thick, almost enuff to get me in the mood for pulling out my ice auger...[:p]

I saw two deer, could not tell what they were cuz they were standing about a mile away across a harvested corn feild, I watched them for a long spell, that was untill I saw a cople turkeys, they came a little closer than the deer, with in a hundred yards. I could see them scratching and gobbeling. They werent aware of me. Or at least they didnt seem to care I was there.

. I didnt know lapeer had huge deer. but I guess its in the corn belt so they have plenty of food...

It was kinda kewl haveing a license for two different critters and having a choice of wich one that was out of my range to shoot at... LOL...

maybe today I will fair a little better with my efforts to fill the winter stocking...

You haveing any luck?
Is the dial up working any better? or are you still having the clogged up server problems with your dialup?

I know with the unemployment stuff going on there has been a ton of servers getting burned out as people have been attempting to access their myspace and facebook accounts.

a lot of guys I have talked to in the feild have been telling me they have had the same problems with logging on to the internet.

also there is a new internet exploror windows patch that came out about a week and a half maybe two. It helps greatly to speed up web page loading times...

If I dont hear from ya, good luck in the woods sat and sunday...
just adding in i small 8 point last turkeys
today was another gerogous day. Had to wear my sunnies...

no deer anywhere in site today, but the turkeys did come a little closer, they came to the pond behind me, I could have shot, but hit or not, my arrow would have ended up in the drink.. So i could not shoot, not my pond and I didnt want to be responcible for a razor being at the bottom of a pond where one of the kids could get cut while swimming..

there was two of them, only 40 feet away... So we're getting closer... maybe tomarow will bring better luck..
hey dave..ive tried several times to shoot turkys with a bow..found out they see alot better then a deer ..and they do look up in the trees..ive had em 15 yards away..but one movement and there gone..harder then it seems
with out a doubt,

it is so important to be absolutly motionless untill they are sure you are not there and decide to go about their business and not look at you..., It can be a battle of wits.. I have to admit, that is something I am short of these days..[:p]

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