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How to increase activity?
Hey UT what can we do to increase traffic and or activity for this forum section?

I put a link to this section of BigFish on my webstite but I doesnt seem to have helped at all.
Thanks Ray for your efforts..

some of the best ways to bring up activity is to ask questions, and on your part answering questions will help.

when people find they have a sorce where they can go to get answers to problems or insites on how to start or repair things and where to find materials is a good way to keep things active.

The downed economy has hit forums around the net, many people have turned their computers off as a way to save on thier monthly budgets...

posting any tricks that you wouldnt mind sharing would also help to bring up activity..
by the way, do you have a sorce where one can find spring steal eyelets?

I saw them on a rod last week and thought the next time I need to make repairs I might upgrade my rods to new technology...

they were on a fly rod at bass pro shop, I cant count the number of rods that I have seen with bent over and broken eyelets
REC makes a titanium alloy wire line guide that looks similar to the old spring steel style guides. They are called "Recoil". They are a bit spendy though. A few high-end OEMs have used them.

Jans NetCraft has some stainless steel spring type wire guides much more resonable in cost. See there "FlexiLight" on the single-foot guides page.
I used to do a lot of machein work with titanium, that stuff is even more rust resistant than stainless, and a lot harder than stainless as well..

I got some titanium spinner blades for some lures I made, they too were quite expencive for a half dozen..

Thanks for the leads. I will deffenantly look in to them..

Thanks Ray, it would be nice to get more acttivity over here.. later chuck
I didn't know this site existed. Basically still don't exactly where it is, I am here through a link.

I just started building my own fly rods, so this forum could be one of my go to...if I can find how to get here without the link LOL
Welcome to the Forum FlyGodess!

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welcome to my home flygoddess. just go to the
fishing forums in the big blue bar and select misc fishing, then go down the page about halfway you should see a
rod building board. later chuck
Thanks Chuck, I found it last night.
I don't do that fancy braiding, and artwork you do, but I do build Fly Rods and they might look a little funny.

Your Rods are definitely a work of art....very impressive!

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