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More and more we are trying to protect our lakes to see bass reach their full potential. Slot limits and stricter regulations have been established, but the one thing that a lot of fisherman are over looking is live bait fishing. To me if were trying to make a difference there would be stricter regulations using shad and shiners. Many fish per year are killed due to swallowing live bait down their throats and the hook getting stuck. Why aren't there stricter regulation to prevent live bait in certain lakes?
that is one question,

the other one is, why arent anglers willing to harvest a gullet hooket fish?

it is Sad to say that greed can affect any one at any time. I have seen a couple times after a tourny dead bass laying lifelessly on sand bars or dead/crippled floating after an event.

it is posible to kill a bass just as easy with crank baits or soft plastics or spoons as it is with live bait. I know not every one dose this, but there are those few who let greed get the best of them exchanging a fresh live bigger fish for a dead one where it would cost them points at weight in if not compleatly didqualified all together..

the only thing a dead bass helps is to feed turtles and mudpuppies, "truth is turtles and mudpuppies dont need any ones help to feed on fish, thay are quite capable to catch thier own dinners. What I mean is, this behavour makes about as much sence as going out and shooting buffalow and then leaving them laying there to rot.

I agree there is deffenantly room for improvement in the sport, including gills and every other species.

Ya, if I catch a gill by the gullet then with out a doubt he has to go in to my creel as part of my daily harvest...
Beg the differ my friend. The cold hard fact is live bait you catch about 2 to 3 times more fish than using the artificial method. Meaning you have 2 to 3 times more chance to kill the bass you catch. Yes using crankbaits with those jabby treble hooks can absolutely destroy a bass's mouth especially if you find it difficult to get it out with pliers. Plus, once a fish has been caught with live bait it is not prong to going after artificial because it is more cautious. You want the truth you have it, Live bait is an negative effect on lakes, more pressure now than in the history of fishing.

Tournaments, there are definately more fish killed than what there should be. Most of it is because of nonsense the tournament leaders better lack of taking quality care of the fish, no proper tubs, water temperture and oxygen.
People have to be willing to do the proper thing, so quality fish can grow. If you don'[t want to, so be it, then we will be stuck catching fish that never reach their full potential, or we can see the hay day that was once seen years ago from no over fishing.

P help take the whole damn thing
since we are talking about what is bad for bass,

lets not forget the high powed boats and pwc's. they masicar shallow swimming bass and other fish serfacing for a fly or two,

lets not for get the carp who feed on bass beds before the bass ever get a chance to hatch.

lets not forget the countless invasive species including gobies and zebra mussles and countless aquadic weeds that suck oxigen out of the water during the worm months.

I will be the first to say, if you are looking for trophy bass, michigan is not the place to come to,

aside from the tournies there are an enormous amount of people who consume bass tho you hear of any one ever admitting to it.

michigan up till a few years ago when they changed the minimum size from 12 inches to 14 inches, you seldom ever saw a LMB over 11 and 3/4 inch. The new reg has proven to be good for bass in the state of michigan.

there are a few isoluted ponds that have outstanding bass production. but these ponds are privetly managed. all the fish especialy the carp were killed off prior to the restocking of bass and feeder species.

eliminating gass motors on these waters was also incorporated.

I had the pleasure of trapping turtles from one such pond, as payment I was allowed to fish for the bass while waiting to check my traps.

I caught bass on bare hooks, no bait, no artificial lures, just a bare gold arberdeen hook under a bobber... I did that just for kicks because when casting lures I had a bass every other cast.

I had never fished where I looked forward to not catching a bass before untill then.

there is a lot we can do to improve our bass quality every where, but the frist thing to do is to get a big net or live fish trap and start harvesting carp like cattle. when we start pulling every carp bigger than a bass out of the water we will start seeing an improvement on not just the bass fishery but all our food and game species will improve as well.
You are correct on a lot of things and made some great points. There are a whole lot of things that we could list that makes an dramatic impact on our fisheries. Probably the no.1 thing that was not mentioned is "Polution". All the pesticides, sewage,chemicals, drugs and etc. are absouletly destroying the natural habitat for the fish. Did you know they have found all most all lakes/streams in the Southeast and midwest that have Smallmouth have changed characteristics. Male Smallmouth are starting to form pouch of female eggs that has created a stir for scientist. Grim report a head for all of us if we dont do something quick to the pollution in our water systems. What does the future hold for our fishing, who knows and can tell? [angelic]
It has long been known that bass can change thier reproductve organs from male to female.

There are Frogs that also have the ability. countless number of incets as well, Coch Roach for one.

Do you remember when they grew an ear on a rats back to transplant on to a human?

point is, there are vary few if any natural fisheries left in the world. man has transplanted fish and changed the topography that has forever changed the corse and evelution of all species of life on the planet.

Nature will take back over again one day, but the question is, Will man be inteligent enough to live with nature or will nature wipe out man for not living with in its means?

we are both like and dislike "the magot"

like a magot the greed of man consumes everything in its path.

unlike a magot is, when the host of the magot has been completely devoured, the magot though metamorphas changes in to another type of animal and can go find another host. When our host planet is devoured we will become more like the dinasaur.[crazy]

This thought and fact applies to all invironments, home, work, friendship, and on line comunities.
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000]Rather a profound statement brother Dave.[Image: bobwink.gif][/#008000][/font]
Mr. Clown,

it has not been known certain species has changed its reproductive system. For Smallmouth in the Southeast to Northwest are this has started in the past decade....

You can set bear traps, but that Big Grizzly will always walk right out of them....
I remener when that article came out 8 years ago, it was a topic on this forum.

The report stated that they did not know if this was due to toxins in the water or if the fish had this ability locked in its geno and we had just never seen it before. "no one was ever looking"

Can you imagine the suprized expression on the face of the man who discovered that frogs can grow a new leg if you cut it off?

The story of the fish sex change came out at the same time that a 30 foot bone fish was caught in the golf.

Hermofodites are common in nature. from plants to people dogs cats farm animals so, why not fish?

The report stated that the fish must have had the ability but the scientist did not know if it was due to toxins or a natural need that triggered the change and that the study would go on...

Personaly I would like to hear more about that study, but you can bet your last fish hook that the final report wont be released untill after the documentry has been made and produced and published by the gentisist who are doing the study.

This was on television few weeks ago and has everyone worried about the quality of water and the lakes/streams. Many areas were highlighted in red due to high Mecury levels and toxins in the water... Coal burning power plants which is ran by TVA puts way too much mercury into the water from the smoke towers: This has had adverse effect on humans, (especially infants) wildlife and plants.... There are currently no filters on the powerplants to prevent high mercury level and toxins escaping in the atmosphere which can spread many miles in distances... Most of them are located around the Apallachian Mountains and Chemical plants. Money is the no.1 reason why state and government will not regulate these the way they are suppose to... It is Sad though knowing money means sacrificing peoples lives and nature for what can be fixed....
with out a doubt this is a world wide problem.

no planning on what is going to come tomarow just so long as wall street moguls are making 200% profit on thier investments..

china built the biggest freshwater dam in the world, and now it is nothing but a toxic sesspool...

right now there is a battle going on with the state of Illinois and 2/3rds of the noth amreican continant. Asian carp are about to leap in to lake michigan from there they will contaminate nearly every body of water all the way out the saint larance spill way and inland in every direction up every drainage ditch up every river and canal....

It is a major issue and the white house blows it off as just a nussance. no concerns what it will cost millions of peoples livelyhoods in the nort east quarter of north america... Thats not to mention what damage they will do to every species along the way. Those carp if they get though will end up in my back yard in just a few short years...

Obama will get the the credit/blaim in the history books for this one if he sits on his political laurals and sides for wallstreats bottom line for today and not worie about wallstreats bottom line down the road. It is time now to do something about them, this cant wait another year.

When I was a kid those lock did not exist on the mississippi.

This was on television few weeks ago and has everyone worried about the quality of water and the lakes/streams. Many areas were highlighted in red due to high Mecury levels and toxins in the water... Coal burning power plants which is ran by TVA puts way too much mercury into the water from the smoke towers: This has had adverse effect on humans, (especially infants) wildlife and plants.... There are currently no filters on the powerplants to prevent high mercury level and toxins escaping in the atmosphere which can spread many miles in distances... Most of them are located around the Apallachian Mountains and Chemical plants. Money is the no.1 reason why state and government will not regulate these the way they are suppose to... It is Sad though knowing money means sacrificing peoples lives and nature for what can be fixed....

Dave, what happen to the plan of useing poison to kill all the carp? I heard about the electric cable idea, but I have my doudts on it working. Then they wanted to shut down the canal as well. What are they saying up your neck of the woods?
you and I both know that just as soon as the power grid goes out its a done deal. The power grid goes out everywhere at least once a year. We are one lighting bolt to a transformer or one tree fallen over by wind or one telliphone pole snaped in half by a drunk driver from one of the greatest desasters that has ever happend since the extermination of the elk and buffalo. "yes little be it known there is a species of elk that has been exterminated, the elk we have today are transplants from rock mountains, the eastern elk are all gone"

There is not a lot being said other than everyone who will be facing the impact from this devistation wants the canal closed.

the problem with poisen is it kills everything, and you would still have to close the locks to stop the water flow flushing in from lake michigan.

There are other species in the mississippi that are harvested should they die off it would cause an economic ripple in the caviar industry. "spoon Fish and stergeon"

There realy is only one viable answer, that is to harvest those carp. The can be harvested for the cat food and ferterlizer industry.

I know for a fact these carp are cleaner than the carp being used in the asian cat food industry that finds its way to our store shelves.

Man can harvest tuna to a point of devistation in the ocean how hard can it be to harvest carp in the spring when they make their spawn runs? So what if their fish traps have to extend over the top of the water to keep the carp from jumping out, That just means I wont have to wory about getting my prop caught in a cable I cant see. [:p]
The state of Tennessee is the only state smart enuff to own some of its utilities. "electric and water"

yes there is problems, and they do need to be addressed.

that coal soot disaster last year was and still is a nightmare.

If the state had started running compactors they could have crused that soot in to a harvestable product. This means they would have to add a natural bonding agent, That could have come from the farming or landscape industries. leaves and grass and livestock part remains could have been used as the bonding agent.

to bad when it comes to protection of our environment the richbees shoot the horse and leave the cart to colaps on future generations. As pissed off as the kids make me some times, I still would not leave them a ticking time bomb in my will....
I'm a Engineer that works for Siemens corporation.... We have electrical powerplants through out North American, but I don't know anything about the capacitors that you are talking about...

Coal Powerplants is technology that is way over due... They can help prevent mercury emissions escaping out into the atmosphere with putting coal stack filters, which in returns reduces any toxins escaping out... Like I said in my previous post it is all about money.... This technology would still allow them to produce enough electricity to provide the whole state and may others.... Tennessee is not the only one, we have North Carolina, kentucky and few others doing same theing.

Humans and wildlife are damaged because of Fascism that needs to stop....I'm not against coal burning powerplants but do it in safe manner that protects all of us and the future of the planet....

Technology is there but the big wigs and the puppet politicians won't do anything about it....
Good point on the power being down at some point. I've seen carp in the spring mateing and it would be easier to net them at this time. We can hope they get off their butts and do something before it's to late.
Carp in the Slews: If you want to Bow hunt carp the best place to shoot them is back in the shallows where the water stagnet.... Carp get back in the shallows in the summer time and you would be amazed whole many you can spot during this time....

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