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Christmas Coffee is on
Good morning my bro's !
I have the pot ready , watcha having in yours ? Cream , sugar, maybe a little french vanilla ?

We will have to keep it down a bit because everyone is still sleeping at the house , except for the dogs and myself . The dogs are waiting for the smoked rawhide bones in their Christmas stockings hung over our fireplace .
My nephew is on Christmas break from college and is spending it with us , he is snug as a bug in a rug on our living room couch .
The kids and my Mrs . were up late last night wrapping last minute gifts . Santa had snicker doodle cookies and Calder's eggnog for his treat , not one cookie left on the tray .
Top off your coffee ?
Watcha doing today ?
I thought I might take a small trip to wet a line on the west side but with the weather I should hit the east side just to be safe . I'll have to wait to see what the Mrs. will let me do first .
Hey before you leave I want to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas , Happy Holidays , Quanza , Chanukah or whatever traditional greeting that is customary for your faith . Well you know , I wish the best for all of y'all .
putting in a couple spoon fulls of instant coffee, a packet of swiss miss coco, and two big heeping table spoons of hershies special dark choc syrup.

Rooom Rooom.... and nothing to do around my place. pouring down rain. I will go out and feed my last chicken. Get my rear axle handed to me a few times by the computer generated chess game.

by then it might be nap time. after my nap I will take inventory of my tear drops. Last years Ice fishing was so limited I did not loose a single one, so I may not need anything this year other than a mousie or two. no point in going after them now, still a good week away from ice here.

then I will watch the news to see who is doing what to each other in detroit.

sounds like a repeat of yesterday and the day before and the day before and the day before, Are you sure it aing Groundhogs' day?
almost nap time, and dispite the rain I am having a white chirstmas inside my house with a little home grown.

[center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=56217]
[center]Fresh Off The Cob.
[center]Lonhunter, pass the butter please [:p]
had my nap, turned on the news, sure enuff things are not all right in the world.

on the news today...
sabitur did something to a plain that landed in detroit on chirstmas day. Annual Pope mugger, Flagmanonice is burried under 3 feet of snow and falling.

and just a foot from me on the other side of the wall, it is still pouring down rain.

I did get wet feeding the one and only chicken to survive this year's Coon attacks.

could the day have been any better? sure, It would have been nice to have been able to go ice fishing...[angelic]

It must be getting close to time to pull out the Baily's irish cream for the next cup O' coffee...[:p]
Yep , about the same here , rain on top of rain .
Got a house guest till after new years , my nephew who attends colege in ohio .
He knows where the fridge is [bobhappy] .
Started snowing onn and off since yesterday , 5" so far .
I gotta clear out some of my fishing & hunting gear , already put up one compound bow on EBay today , keeping the other for bow fishing this summer .

I'm going to put up a post of stuff i'm getting rid of , anything that intrests our regular Michigan posters will get the dirt under the rock bottom price pricing [bobhappy]

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