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Navajo Lake
Spent a few hours last night slamming some planter bows. PB was the best bait but didn't try fly fishing. Threw a couple of spinners and spoons but nothing. Overall though everybody that wanted to keep their limit did and the weather is perfect after this bit of rain so get out enjoy the mountain.

Fishing rate 4 Catching 6

[size 1]on a scale from 1-10 10 being the best day ever and 1 work would of been better.[/size]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Thanks for the report, hedgesd, but really, would any trip ever be considered a 1 rating? Not in my book...[/size][/font]
Ya I think a 1 is possible but give it a few days and I'm sure it'll work it's way up or make a story I'll never forget. I think a 10 would be just as hard to get but this rating is going to be different for each lake.

Maybe I'll start throwing a little side note if something made a difference to tip the scale one way or another. Could get interesting.

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