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??? About Celebration Park
As I continue my summer tour of Idaho fishing I'm still in search of some good bank accessible spots for bass. In recent weeks I've done rather well at CJ and Swan Falls but now I'm looking for a good family outing.

I've been doing a little reading and Celebration Park comes up a lot and the info I have looked at makes it seem appealing but before I drag the kiddos out there....are there really scorpions out there? My wife was stung and hospitalized a few years ago in Arizona and she will absolutely flip at the notion of this. Alot of info sites about the park describe scorpions there but is it that much of a concern? And of course, could the fishing be worth the "risk"?

While I'm here, I would just like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has shared either direct or indirect info with me. So far I've had an absolute blast these last few weeks!!!
I'm far from an expert, but I have some experience with the area.

First, there may be scorpions, but I've never seen them. Myself, I hate snakes, know there are rattlers out there, but haven't actually seen any there, either.

I grew up small mouth fishing with my dad just downstream of the bridge out there (the bridge is just down stream of the park). I just got back into fishing this year (why I took so much time off is beyond me) and have only made one trip out there this year. I caught a half dozen small mouth, the biggest was only about 12" but I still had fun. My dad and I always fished grubs out there, so that's what I used when I went out. I tried a rapala, just to quickly loose it, and a huge spoon that I conveniently found after loosing a jig, but the only variation I had any luck with was a grub on a spinner harness. I guess to me it just seems like when you're down there you're supposed to use a grub on a lead jighead, so I never try much else. Memories die hard.

Also, if you go to the park, I think they actually offer Atlatl classes there. I haven't done it, but I mean to. How many other kids will be able to go to school in the fall and say they got to learn how to throw a primitive spear weapon? Sounds cool to me.

Good luck.
This is the first I've ever heard of scorpions in that area. I'm not saying it's not true, just that I've never heard of it....and I've lived in the Nampa area for 25+ years.

My experience in that area was mainly about 15-20 years ago, before Celebration Park was much of a destination. I would take my pack rod and mountain bike and ride along the river to Halverson Lake. I knew about the rattlesnakes, but luckily we never crossed paths. I'm with ditchbanker when it comes to snakes.

Bottom line, I would be more concerned about rattlers than scorpions, but you should be fine if you don't stray from the beaten path. Just my opinion. I'm curious about more recent experiences from other foks.
There are scorpions all over southern Idaho. They are not really a threat like the ones in Arizona and New Mexico. They are kind of cool. We used to find them as kids, at night, using a black light (they "glow" under a black light). That being said, if your wife is allergic to them, I would caution you to check her shoes in the morning before she puts them on if you camp out anywhere in southern Idaho.
Relax and go fishing [fishon][fishon]
I have personaly seen scorpions at swan falls, they are really cool they about the size of a quater maybe bigger by a little bit they are almost clear in color( if that is a color) but have never been bothered by them whats so ever. The spear throwing is really cool and like AA said go fishing.
I haven't seen any at Celebration, although I know they are there. I caught a scorpion near Niagara Springs/Crystal Lake at Buhl several years ago. If you unrolled the curled up tail and stretched the pinchers forward as far as they could go, the darn thing was about 7 inches long (believe it or not). I too would be much more concerned about rattlers. Especially with the recent high temps. Snakes might move closer to the water to maintain their body temp.
Thanks guys I appreciate it, gonna go check it out tomorrow morning. I find it funny that alot of the travel sites show these scorpions in what appear battles to death followed by warnings about being stung. I think for today we're gonna stay close to town and hit LP or Arrowrock. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!
took out at celebration park last weekend after floating from Swan Falls. Lots of smallies all along the river. They like the grubs on a jig head! Didn't do so hot at the boat ramp but I figure if you go up or down stream a little you should have no problem.

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