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Lure Identification
My grandfather passed away and left some old fishing lures in his tackle box that I am unfamiliar with. Most of them are marked, but I am unsure of some others. Is there a board to post lure photos for identification. Some of them I am going to sell and just want an honest estimated value but mostly I am just curious of their history and would be interested even just knowing their approx. year and maker.

I have two New BEAUTIFUL Heddon Sons Preyfish Lures and I am wondering if someone can tell me how much these may sell for?

I VERY MUCH appreciate you taking time to read my posting.

Thank You! Heidi

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the yellow one about the size of a bean is a hulla poper, those have been manufactured for decades, they have been made from wood, cork, plastic,

relitivly inexpencive.

great top water lure to be used in combination with a clear bubble for spin casting or by itself on a fly rod.

I moved this post to the corect board, you should get some replies here.

Personaly speaking, If they come to me by way of gramps, I wouldnt part with them for nothing... It would result in a loss of family history.
Sorry about the loss of your Grand dad... I would give anything to have had a chance to have one of my Grandpa's lures or anything of his... Never had a chance... You are lucky!
I see a jitterbug the one wtih metal lip

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