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Big Strawberry smallmouth
What a pleasant surprise. A 5 pound smallie from Strawberry.

Sorry about the poor photo. ( smelly jelly smudge on the lens)

[Image: DSCN6459edit.jpg][Image: DSCN6460edit.jpg][Image: DSCN6458edit.jpg]
Thats one fat mama! Didn't know there was any there. I hope they are few and far in between. Probably illegally planted?
awesome! time for the flood gates to open!!!!
Not the first but definitely the biggest i've ever seen out of there! Hope you turned her loose!
Now the question that everyone wants answered did u keep it or turn it loose ??? Inquiring minds most know....[sly][sly]
I hope he killed it. Bucket biologists should not be rewarded by having illegally introduced fish get a hold on a fishery. No matter how cool of a sport fish the illegal species was.

Nothing against bass...but have a major issue with bucket biologists.
Not bucket biology folks!! We have had this conversation so many times! Strawberry had smallmouth planted in the '70's or something like that. some survived the poisonings, and there is no huge population.

I released her.

I didn't have it in me to kill a fish like that.

I sure wish I had a better photo though.
That is a pleasant surprise[cool]
RE"Not bucket biology folks!! We have had this conversation so many times! Strawberry had smallmouth planted in the '70's or something like that. some survived the poisonings, and there is no huge population.


Sorry for being a bit skeptical, but do you have any evidence, such as a stocking report or contact person at the DWR that could confirm that? It is a new one to me.

They were considered for use when the Berry was poisoned, but weren't used. Sadly, I suspect it is more continuous bucket biology IMO.
[cool] WOW thats a huge smallie Congratulations on your big catch. Thats a hog for sure and wow what a girth on her. thanks for sharing your pictures with us. [cool]
shame about the pics not comming out, i would have kept it myself [Wink]
I think I know that fish[Wink] from other trips when I found them and many thanks for the release....[Wink][cool]

Did you get her measurement???
Smallmouth bass in Strawberry have been discussed many times on this board. They weren't planted by the DWR. They considered them, but decided that they would NOT reproduce well enough to maintain a population without additional stocking. ANY smallmouth bass in Strawberry got there by means of a bucket biologist.
Bassrods- I did not take time to measure the fish because my Dad is lost with the digital camera and I was trying to get him set up just to take the photos. That is how I got the smudge on the lens, fighting the fish with one hand and trying to get the camera on and ready for when it was landed.

I took a quick look for my measuring tape but it wasn't where I thought and at that point I thought it would be best just to get her back in the water.
When Jerry Little was in the DWR a lot of lakes got fish at times but no paper work was done..At the time no one cared, it was like try and see...
The eyes in Deer Creek was put in by the DWR Tomson was in my boat when a load of 4" was planted we had to be there and watched and pick up any dead ones and he said that was the third year for them to be planted in their..

The DWR over the years have tried many things, some turned out great and others was never heard of again...

Jerry Little caught and had it mounted a SM bass from the Berry back when he was still in the DWR and new that some bass was in that lake then...So who knows for sure where they came from...
The smallmouth bass in there are toads and a lot of fun...

Was you in a brown Ranger??
It may look brown because it is so damn dirty.[blush]

It is black and silver though.
Cliffie , I haven't heard Jerry Little name since the 80's and I remember him being on the board back in them days . I haven't seen him forever and use to see him once a month back then . DWR was different back then for sure .
Nice smallie by the way . One of these days I may fish again
Jerry has past on to better fishing...

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