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are you disabled and cant afford a crossbow this is for you!

Streamlight and Buckmasters American Deer Foundation will be issuing Horton Crossbows to selected disabled hunters, free of charge. This program is designed to reach disabled people who would like to participate in their states archery deer hunt, who do not currently have, nor cannot afford a crossbow. ALL CROSSBOWS WILL BE ISSUED THROUGH OUR BUCKMASTERS CHAPTERS. These chapters are the backbone of BADF, and will be involved in the selection and distribution of crossbows. To apply it must be legal for you to use a crossbow in your state. If you have a functional hunting crossbow at this time, please do not apply. Applicants must indicate the amount of income claimed on their latest tax return, do not include income of spouse or children. Crossbows can be used with Horton mechanical cockers (not provided). If you can cock one, or normally hunt with a partner that can cock it for you, please indicate that in your application. The bows will be assigned as soon as possible. We will contact the chosen recipients by phone, email or both.

How to Apply

Please Provide This Information by email to, do not send it to any other email address or it may not be considered:

Please number each answer as indicated below, or just paste the question before your answer on email responses. In your email to please put “Crossbow Application from ______________ “ in the subject line, with your state of residence filling in the blank.

1.First and Last Name
2. Complete UPS Shipping Address
3. Phone Number(s)
4. Age
5. Describe Disability in Detail
6. How did you become disabled?
7. How long have you been disabled?
8. Can you cock a 150# crossbow, or do you have a partner that can do it for you?
9. Your gross income reported on your latest tax return (do not include spouse's income or children's income)?
10. Do you have a crossbow now?
11. Can you obtain permission/permit to use a crossbow in your state?

12. Do you currently have a permit to use a crossbow in your state?

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