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Carrying weapons while fishing
Seems like my comment on Idahorons post touched a nerve with some people, soooo, how many of us do indeed legaly carry a weapon while out fishing(no matter for what purpose)
Edited [Wink]

Packed a pistol while fishing since I was 12, One animal is the cause........ snakes, big azz rattlesnakes.

Through the years I have had to shoot 7 so far. End of the day its legal and I see no problem with doing it to maintain the safety and well being of me and others I am with.
[quote 2dogs]Seems like my comment on Idahorons post touched a nerve with some people, soooo, how many of us do indeed legaly carry a weapon while out fishing(no matter for what purpose)[/quote]

What does it matter if you and any others are packing while outdoors? It's your right provided you are legal, so why the need to talk about?

I always question the entire "self defense" thing when people have to talk about the heat they are packing?
Interested to see where this one goes. Touched a nerve? a utard? legally carry?

I am going to say a general response might be that it is no one business.

I don't imagine the Illegal will be willing to answer but never know. What is legal?[Wink]
Several things I carry while ice fishing would meet the definition of weapon. TSA's definition anyway.
Scott is an Idaho guy, a real nice Idaho guy.
In Idaho you don't need a concealed carry permit to carry a handgun or any gun for that matter. It just needs to be out in the open. I can carry a holstered pistol down Main Street if I wanted but it would not be a smart move.
FG was pointing at a seldom known fact. ANY gun or knife becomes a concealed weapon after you have been drinking alcohol. A spoon can be a concealed weapon if your drunk. I haven’t had an alcohol beverage in about 26 years.
Last year I was fishing from my pontoon. It was at night and I was on SFCR. I was about 4 foot away from the bank in shallow water. I heard something behind me and I turned on my flashlight. It was a coyote coming in to the beeping of my fish finder. It was VERY close and I am glad there was a little water between us. I don’t carry while I am on the water most of the time. Ron
I know Ron..thanks, Oh and I am Idahoan born and raised[cool]
I sure do..a nice heavy treble hook and several ounces of weight for those wakeboarders and jetskiers that like to blast by three feet off the banks [Wink]...some bear spray for drunk spin fishers on the rivers [shocked]...and my trusty 44 mag ever since being charged by an actual bear on the Snake in Wyoming...way scary!
Yes, I do. Sometimes I also carry bear spray along with. It depends on where I am going. Actually bear spray would probably be a good all around choice, but it is harder to carry.

Weapons aren't necessary all the time, but I have had occasions that I was glad that I had it. In the wilds and in the not so wilds.

As was stated, it is legal to carry openly in Idaho. Some law officers also believe that sometimes just the visible weapon is a deterant to those that are prone to "opportunistic temptations". The lands of the two legged "wilds"
I pack heat when ice fishing because it keeps my hands warm hahahaha... But no really as of recently I use to just have my trusty knife on me at all times while out doors of any sort whether fishing hiking or riding my mountain bike.. But now I'm carrying my 40 with me every where out doors because of my recent encounters with the 4 legged human eaters lions and wolves and bears.... Not so much the bears as I have only scene a couple but as of recently I have sure scene alot of lions and last year I scene 2 different packs of wolves and now I carry for those facts.. People don't bother me as much... I seem to scare people away good enough just by getting rowdy with them that seem threatening.. I've only once had some one come into my camp with bad intentions and they fled soon as I came around yelling with my fists raised high..but never have problems with people for the most part other than them darn jet skiers and wake boarders showing off 20 feet in fron of mee then I throw rocks because I'm mean like that... And tell them I'll kick there rear if they don't stop...
i carry primarily because of the critters. i dont shoot to kill but a few rds into the dirt has always been good enough to scare them off.
im always packen, its my right, and i defend other peoples rights, so its always on me
[quote kochanut]im always packen, its my right, and i defend other peoples rights, so its always on me[/quote]

my hero [blush] lmfao
Always packin. Even though it's nobody's business, there is one simple reason why. BECAUSE I CAN!!
I totally agree with our right, but there are some laws that need to be addressed (specially for civilians):

If you don’t have a CWL, make sure your weapon is plainly visible when you carry it or keep it in close proximity, readily accessible for prompt use. Carrying of “...a concealed weapon on or about [your] person without a license to carry a concealed weapon...” is prohibited by I.C. §18-3302(9). A weapon is considered concealed if it “is so carried that it is not discernible by ordinary observation.” ~ State v. McNary, 596

Open and concealed carry of weapons is legal in establishments that serve alcohol, but carrying a concealed weapon while intoxicated or under the influence is a misdemeanor.

In Vehicles: While in any motor vehicle, inside the limits or confines of any city, a person shall not carry a concealed weapon on or about his person without a license to carry a concealed weapon. This shall not apply to any firearm located in plain view whether it is loaded or unloaded. A firearm may be concealed legally in a motor vehicle so long as the weapon is disassembled or unloaded. ~ I.C. §18-3302(9)

In allot of the ice fishing shots I see a beer can next to the fish getting it's picture...
If no CWL are you wearing the gun on the outside so everyone can see it?

Just food for thought on the subject.

Oh and lastly:

Every person who, not in necessary self-defense, in the presence of two (2) or more persons, draws or exhibits any deadly weapon in a rude, Angry and threatening manner, or who, in any manner, unlawfully uses the same, in any fight or quarrel, is guilty of a misdemeanor. ~ I.C. §18-3303
[quote flygoddess]I totally agree with our right, but there are some laws that need to be addressed (specially for civilians):

If you don’t have a CWL, make sure your weapon is plainly visible when you carry it or keep it in close proximity, readily accessible for prompt use. Carrying of “...a concealed weapon on or about [your] person without a license to carry a concealed weapon...” is prohibited by I.C. §18-3302(9). A weapon is considered concealed if it “is so carried that it is not discernible by ordinary observation.” ~ State v. McNary, 596


I don't know the codes, but I've been told by fish cops that when you are in the field, it is assumed you are packing, and therefore, a CWL is not required. If they know you are packing, it is not considered concealed even if it is out of site. My 2 cents.

Oh yeah, I was charged by a wolf 3 years ago. I ALWAYS pack now. Won't get out of the truck without a weapon of some kind.
Just me but I go with what is in writing over a a DWR employee.
your right better safe than sorry.... Genaraly speaking if your out and about where you could need a fire arm for protection it is usually where it is easly accesable if it is out of site and conceald then chances are it isn't going to be easy to get to.. If needed.. So just my opinion it's most likely going to be very visible if it is packed around for self protection when in the wilderness..
For me it depends on where and what I am doing.
In bear country i will be for sure.
Fishing Ririe probably not.
I am a gun nut and love to reload and tinker.
The whole self protection thing just doesn't ring for me.
I usually pack enough crap that a gun, long or short just becomes a pain.
I would end up locking it in my vehicle and spend the whole time fretting about getting ripped off.
I guess i have never really thought about this much when im in the field hunting or fishing often carry in a hip holster but now that i think about it there have been several times i have had a 22 in my pack along with a 10 inch fixed blade knife. guess if you want to get technical i guess i carry concealed without a permit.
doesn't make much sense to go into the wild unprepared i have a pack with many thing in it to help me survive a few days if needed and a firearm is just another tool

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